Xenopus borealis - Tadpole Development


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May 7, 2007
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Geoff Smith
Let's resurrect this Pipid Folder
. For the past 6 weeks I have been raising Xenopus borealis tadpoles and documenting their progress,with photographs, at: http://www.pipidae.net/cgi/forum/viewtopic.php?t=244

wow i've never seen tadpoles like this- inexperience !!
they are really crazy and what brilliant pictures.
good link
Are all xenopus illegal in CA? I've seen the 'grow a frog' things sold here, and to my knowledge they contain some kind of Xenopus.
Nate: On the packaging it clearly shows a Xenopus tadpole. In this little kit, the company sends you a tadpole. It also mentions the tadpoles filter feed...and that the food provided nourishes the bacteria or whatever that they feed upon.

I think you have it confused with "Aquababies" in which fish frogs and other things are put into tiny cubes and then sold as ecosystems in which you change the water 2x a year(as if).
Sometimes GAF use Silurana species too
Interesting Mike: Never knew grow a frog would use pipiens too. There web site talks only of xenopus.

I heard that were laevis are illegal they send tropicalis, but I don't think that matters as if I remember correctly all xenopus are banned in CA. In fact, I hear tell some got free in Sanfran.

There is yet another one of these overpriced kits sold as "surf frogs"(or something similar) and this one definetly uses leopard frogs in it.
There are members of the Clawed Frog Corner website who have got Silurana frogs from GAF 100% guaranteed...

They were most likely Silurana tropicalis or epitropicalis... Xenopus tropicalis doesnt exist any more as the genus Silurana is used. However, the entire genus is currently being revised and has at least one new species; S. epitropicalis
Hmm...so is that a cheap and risky way to acquire that species? LOL
Yeah it is LOL, but the Silurana that I got for myself and Mike earlier this year were cheaper than Xenopus from Nigeria... just depends I suppose...
very often Siluranas sold as Xenopus tropicalis are not Silurana tropicalis.
Actually three or four Silurana are known:
Silurana tropicalis
Silurana epitropicalis
Silurana "paratropicalis"
Silruana spec.

On Friday I hope to get some Silurana from Nigeria.

Bye Martin
to solve the controversy of GAF.. I have contacted the US fish and game personally.. ALL Xenopus including silurana are restricted in those 13 US states.. I posted the letter in CFC when I still had the group..
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