Wild type x Leucistic babies

Wow, 4 weeks and on bloodworms already! Very good! My little 1 week olds are growing well too. Much better growth using bbs this time around. I give them some grindal worms in the evening to snack on. And I gutload the grindals with brine shrimp flake.
This is my first time raising eggs, but I'm very happy with the results I had with BBS. They have been growing like crazy! They did have food available to them almost 24/7 so I guess that helped with the growth too.
I'm very surprised how well they took the bloodworms once I started giving them those. At first I mixed the bloodworms with BBS for a few days and then started giving them only bloodworms in the morning and bloodworms + BBS in the evening. It's very cute how they look all adultlike with their noses down searching for bloodworms instead of just snapping at everything moving past them.
Thanks. :happy: They're growing like crazy, the biggest ones are already over 8 cm long and I'm sad I soon have to sell them. They are currently eating mostly bloodworms, but are also learning to eat pellets which the bigger ones are ok with but the smaller ones hate. They also had their first earthworms yesterday and most of the babies LOVED them.
A few pictures from yesterday. The smallest one is now about 6 cm and the biggest ones are 8.5 cm. They have definitely learned that I'm the one who usually brings them food so they come up to the surface to beg for treats when I go take a look at them. They like to snap at pellets when I drop them right over their heads and try to have a taste of my fingers too usually... Their main food right now is still bloodworms because they are not very interested in looking for the pellets from the bottom. They also love live earth worms, which they now have occasionally. Sadly my worm farm isn't big enough so I could find 11 little worms twice a day every day so for now the earth worms are just a treat until the babies grow a bit and can take pieces of the bigger worms.


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Here are some pictures from a few days ago. The babies are about 3 months old and 10-15 cm long. Four of them have already gone to their new homes and 5 more will leave as soon as their new tanks are ready at their new homes. 2 of them will stay with me - a melanoid called Taavi and a wildtype called Matami. They all eat pellets very well and love earth worms.


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Great picks i love the tank set up
A few more recent pictures of the babies. I ended up keeping three of them - one wild type, one melanoid and one leucistic. The leucistic was supposed to go to a new home, but they cancelled at the last minute so I decided to keep her/him myself (because she/he is super cute).


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