Why earthworms?

thank you so much Hun, for the reply.. I forgot to ask at the shop and wanted to try her with one.. Would you say one would be enough?

She might eat a couple of small ones chopped daily, or she may prefer just the one larger chopped. It's pretty much down to trial and error - see what she prefers.
Thanks a lot Hun, omg! I feel so bad cutting up lil wormies!
I know it's pretty gross! :lol: But if it means having happy, healthy axies I'm all for it!
ew ew ew ew ew! I cut one up and as it multiplied it all kept wriggling.. Really freaked me out! Anyways I cut it up into about 7 pieces and dropped it in and there's only 3 pieces left! The little fatty.. She's sooo cute... I love her to pieces.. What else do you feed yours? Mines always been on frozen bloodworms, the pet shop I got her never recommended much/anything else. what would you recommend i do feeding wise... how do you do it?x:frog:x
Your pieces should be (give or take) as long as your axie's head is wide. No need to chop them any smaller. If it's any consolation, studies have shown that worms don't feel pain.
ew ew ew ew ew! I cut one up and as it multiplied it all kept wriggling.. Really freaked me out! Anyways I cut it up into about 7 pieces and dropped it in and there's only 3 pieces left! The little fatty.. She's sooo cute... I love her to pieces.. What else do you feed yours? Mines always been on frozen bloodworms, the pet shop I got her never recommended much/anything else. what would you recommend i do feeding wise... how do you do it?x:frog:x

As Kaysie said your pieces could be a little bigger. I usually just half medium sized ones and my youngest can cope with the scale. I feed my axolotls a variety; earthworms, blood worm, you can even feed them soft trout/salmon pellets if you can find them or I've known people to buy pellets specifically made for axolotls online. I also treat mine to waxworms if they're looking a bit on the skinny side but wouldn't recommend them as a staple - they're pretty high in fat. My juveniles currently get half an earthworm each and a shared cube of bloodworm daily. My adults are only fed 3 times a week: 2 good sized earthworms each, shared bloodworm and a few pellets if they still want to eat.
She might eat a couple of small ones chopped daily, or she may prefer just the one larger chopped. It's pretty much down to trial and error - see what she prefers.

I can attest to that! My female P. waltl for example can eat three huge Canadian nightcrawlers in one sitting, whereas my male is happy with half of one. You sort of get a feel for how much they'll eat.
Re: Wy earthworms?

I feed my Axie earthowrms and she looooooooooooves them. She turns bright bright pink when she has eaten them, once she goes back to pale pink I know its time to feed her. How many and how often should she be fed earthworms?
Is there a risk of bacterial & parasite infection from feeding these and other worms? Earthworms in particular eat soil, which is a common place to find things like nematode eggs.
There is, but it's generally pretty minimal as most nematodes aren't parasitic. Nematodes are on everything. Literally. If you took away every surface in the entire world, we'd be left with faint outlines of everything because it's covered in nematodes.
Hi in my opinion the best thing to do is actually buy your earthworms from a pet shop this way you know they will not contain pesticides or have any parasites which axies can be prone to having and once they have this problem it is not nice. Mine love earthworms as a treat to
First, of course a varied diet is best for your axolotl. Earthworms are obviously a capable staple; however, the Nutritional Values of Amphibian Foods chart can be a a bit misleading for some.

The chart list dry weights and most people don't feed live foods dry (obviously). Worms are between 80-90% water. Here is the breakdown for worms in their natural form:

Water 85.%
Dry substance 15%
Fat 1.0%
Protein 9.0%
Ash 0.8%

Those numbers don't look nearly as impressive as say the pellets. Not to mention you would have to feed substantially more worms to get your axie the protein, fat and nutrients it needs to be healthy.
I give my two earth worms, all they do afterwards is poo soil . but are always looking for more , they are such fun to watch , they go mad for them :)
I just had an analysis done on leeches. (not blood suckers) Look at this awesome results. I really like these critters.....Just drop them in the water and walk away. Axies love them!!!
13-F18994 Product Name: LEECHES #1

Moisture 0 88.32 N/A % AOAC 930.15 13 Jun 13
Ash 0.71 6.08 % AOAC 942.05 14 Jun 13
Protein N x 6.25 9.97 85.36 % AOAC 990.03 13 Jun 13
Fat, Pet Ether 0.50 4.28 % AOAC 945.16 14 Jun 13
Dry Matter 11.68 N/A % Calculated 13 Jun 13

Protein 85.36% and fat 4.28%.....looks like a prime food. What do you think?
Mine axies didn't really take to the earthworms. They much prefer pellets and bloodworms. When I feed earth worms I cut them up quite a bit and rinse them. Originally, they eat them and shake their heads like alligators but inevitably someone ends up puking and there are a lot left in the tank. The tank is 40 gal tall and has 4 7 month old axies. I finally gave up on worms. Thinking about trying black worms but have read they are better for smaller axies. Thoughts?

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Leeches sound much more substantial as a food source, but can I say... GROSS!!! :)

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all my axolotls eat are earthworms, plus the occasional roach (im getting more roaches soon too) and the tweezers i use to feed them (lol)
Roaches? Leeches? Geeze! I teacher biology but dealing with these critters is pushing it even for me. ;) my husband would hate roaches!!

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I use earthworms and my axies love em, i dangle the worm with my tongs in the water and my two males race to get it (i do put two in though :p) they have great nutritional values as well:wacko:
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