White squiggly worms.


New member
Sep 26, 2023
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United States
Hello. I need help with little white squiggly worms 🪱 emerging from my substrate.
What can I do?


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they look like detritus worms.
they feed on waste ie.. old food, axolotl faecal matter, dead plants etc..
very common in most aquariums.
Those pictures do look like detritus worms. They are harmless but personally I find them unsightly. In a tank with fish the fish would just eat them, but its harder for some of our newt species to get them depending on what you are keeping. The easiest way to get rid of them is to add fish. If you are keeping an axolotl then this is not a great option as the axolotl will eat the fish. For any adult newt, adding a few white cloud mountain minnows will work and they will eat all your detritus worms within a few weeks.
Those pictures do look like detritus worms. They are harmless but personally I find them unsightly. In a tank with fish the fish would just eat them, but its harder for some of our newt species to get them depending on what you are keeping. The easiest way to get rid of them is to add fish. If you are keeping an axolotl then this is not a great option as the axolotl will eat the fish. For any adult newt, adding a few white cloud mountain minnows will work and they will eat all your detritus worms within a few weeks.
Thank you for your response. I also have shrimp. Will they eat them. This is a Newt and shrimp 20 gallon low.
Thank you for your response. I also have shrimp. Will they eat them. This is a Newt and shrimp 20 gallon low.

They will eat the baby shimp if they find them. Generally their mouths are too small to go after the adults.
They will eat the baby shimp if they find them. Generally their mouths are too small to go after the adults.
Thank you for your response. I also have shrimp. Will they eat them. This is a Newt and shrimp 20 gallon low.
Will the shrimp eat the worms?
They will eat the baby shimp if they find them. Generally their mouths are too small to go after the adults.
Will the Shrimp eat the worms?
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