What was your first caudate?

My first caudate was a Greater Siren (That was like, the only neotic animal in an Arizona pet store at the time I swear lol!). It was cool, but It was real agressive when eating, and it was always slimey. It out grew my tank and I had to sell it to another store. But yup, that was my first!
Christmas 07'. When I got my first black Axolotl! :cool: <- Cool like us! Haha
Axolotl was my first, he was black. Got it before going in to College. I love those little guys so much.
I got my first Axolotl about 9 days ago! My second 2 days ago and they laid eggs ;) I am in love. These guys are adorable and so interesting. I can sit there watching them for hours- they have a calming quality.
Rough skinned newts. I fell in love with them, after I stoped being scared, at a Lake up on Mt. Hood here in Oregon. Then, found out a co-worker needed to "get rid" of some (kids not taking care of them) so i took 'em. I lost one at the beginning, but my other four are thriving!
I was lucky enough to grow up in rural Dordogne, France. I used to keep Fire Salamander (S. s. terrestris, marbled newts, T. marmoratus, Smooth Newts T. vulgaris and Palmate Newt, T. helveticus as this was the species mix from the local ponds (as well as grass snake, midwife toads and one European Pound terrapine I nursed back to health after a dog bite)... I started breeding the marbled newt but gave up as I moved away for my studies.

Last March I rescued a female T. vulgaris from a storm drain collector at work. She was so skinny and dry, I though she was not gonna make it! But a diet of wax worm and earthworm did wonders and I released a very healthy looking individual about a month later, but got the bug back, and my partner grew very found of the newt, so I got two CB juvenile S. s. terrestris, which are doing great.

I am now thinking of having some T. marmoratus, for old time sake, and because I think they are the most striking european newts...
I started with blue-spotted salamanders (A. Laterale), and they are still my favorite
I think I was about 10 years old and caught a few unidentifiable caudate tadpoles in the bodies of water at the bottom of some small sand dunes near our house in Montreal. I raised them until they changed into blue-spotteds and released them back into the wild.
When I was about nine I was catching toads and T.Vulgaris,the last ones I kept a short period.(Now its forbidden here in the Netherlands)
A few years back a friend of me gave me 3 Tylototriton Shanjing,and I stil have this species.I love them and adore there juveniels.They are so sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:kiss:
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