What was your first caudate?

oregon newt

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Feb 2, 2008
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United States
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I thought I'd ask what everyone's first caudate was because I look at people's profiles and see how many they have, that I wonder what got um started. Mine was of course the ones I have right now, rough-skinned newts. What was yours and what got you interested in them?
my dad got a pair of jfb newts when I was 10 and I have hooked ever sense
Redbacks, that I used to find and keep for short amounts of time.
I impulse bought a paddle tail because I thought it was talking to me in the shop(who wouldnt?).
When I was 5 or 6 living in switzerland my dad caught an alpine newt and let me keep it for a week. My mom released it in the middle of the foot path in front of our house, by the end of the day a neighbor had stepped on it. It was depressing, but it got me into caudates. My first caudates that I kept as proper pets were chinese firebellies I got when I was 12.
yea I got into keeping them permanently with chinese fire bellies, but used to keep smooth newts temporarily as pets when I was younger.
I still remember when I was only aware of frogs and toads, and my dad's friend introduced me to a newt, at the time all I could think was "I had no idea underwater lizards lived in England!"
My first newt was a T.grans that my mom got for me at a Walmart pet store (man, do I feel old or what?)when I was 5. Then when I was 12 I bought a C.orientalis (who I still have), and have been addicted ever since.
My first newt was a T.grans that my mom got for me at a Walmart pet store (man, do I feel old or what?)when I was 5. Then when I was 12 I bought a C.orientalis (who I still have), and have been addicted ever since.

If you you feel old now at 14 there really isn't much going for you lol.

I kept a few smooth newts and tried rearing some from eggs when I was around 11 and kept axolotl's once before all without much success really because of my nieveity of a child and not researching properly.

I got an axolotl now and done my research now that I am older and more responsible so hopefully when I get more room I will be able to get more caudata.
My first sal was P. glutinosus and it has always been my favorite species of salamander since.
My first permanent caudates were some Jefferson's sals (which I still have), and I also fostered some long-toed sals and some Dicamptodon. Before that, I'd had random things found in the woods, kept for a few days and released.
When I was about six I was first introduced to salamanders, having only known toads and frogs before that. I used to find and keep tiger salamanders for a few days.

My first caudate that I kept permanently was a Pachytriton labiatus that led me to finding this website.
My first newt was C.orientalis. Tiger salamanders and axolotls are what got me hooked, and then I moved on to newts and have been an addict ever since.
My first and only caudate I'm keeping right now is one P. Cinereus. Planning on getting another so I can start breeding.
hhhmmm?????? I was fishing in idaho and caught a idaho giant salamander. yippie
My first caudates were obtained for a research project on newts, and when it was finished I kept some of them (broken-striped newts, Notophthalmus viridescens dorsalis). The last one of them died about 20 years after I got them. But the story doesn't end there... I just received some eggs that are the "grandchildren" of my original newts:D
"Triturus" vulgaris vulgaris, when I was about 10.
My first caudates were the native uk species, and then onto axolotls,.

Havent looked back since.

I started with Pleurodeles waltl... without any good solid informations about it :/
Cynops pyrrogaster and a spotted salamander when I was about 12. More recently, my hongkongensis.
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