What pets does everyone own?

One Iberian Newt
a bunch of C. Cyanurus
a bunch of C. Orientalis
four I. A. Apuana (females)
four T. Dobrogicus
a bunch of growing N. Crocatus
five Bichirs
four Orange Krobia
four Dendrobates Tincturius Bahkuis
As of right now, nothing. But, I do plan on building some enclosures and collecting Pseudotrapelus siniatus and/or aqabensis and Phrynocephalus arabicus. Of course I have to buy the lumber and/or bricks, the breeder insects, and a few other things, but hopefully I could do all of that and be ready to collect animals in 2018 :happy:
Two clownfish, several blue legged hermit crabs, a coral banded shrimp and several corals in a 20 gallon all in one aquarium.

I'm still looking for an inhabitant for my newly set up 20 gallon long terrarium......any suggestions? I have a light for the plants that doesnt produce heat and my basement stays around 65 degrees. Humidity levels around 60-80% depending on how often I spritze.
We just adopted a bearded dragon. Oh my goodness, is she the sweetest. We went to the store to meet her, and all 3 of us decided she was coming home with us. She isn't full grown, but she's pretty big. She's basically a small scaley puppy. Our 2 year old races her down the hallway and gives her pets; its adorable. Does any one else own a beardie? We're trying to figure out what greens to feed her, and were just going down the list. She's so picky o.o so far she'll only eat green cabbage and mustard greens.


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Hi! I have 4 Axolotl, all juvenile, and a French Bulldog! I also have a Betta fish and an algae eater.
3 goldfish
1 panda Cory though I'm getting more soon.
Countless platies.
A zebra fish
A pleco
My beautiful spotted salamander
One dog Ace My 1 year old German Shepherd who is crazy energetic, Two Axolotls Giligan the melanoid and Skipper the Wilder type both males im hoping to get a copper soon. A pleco and lastly a Red eared Slider.
I have an Iguana and 1 Great Dane, I'm thinking of getting this large dog cage which has a Size of 54" L x 35" W x 45" H.
I have two raccoons (they are not really my pets, just two bandits that liked my trashcan) living on the backyard and one sugar glider in the house
I have one leucistic axolotl, a double tail betta, ball python, and a cat (I call him my angsty teenager, he goes and hides in a room most of the day and only comes out for food, lol). I love making vivariums and such and hope to add some tylototriton newts to my collection for a paludarium I’m making.
I am the keeper of two Southern Crested newts (Triturus karelinii), two (neutered indoor) cats, a mother cat and her four twelve week-old kittens (formerly five - one has been adopted and neutered so far), a poodle-mix puppy, and a halfmoon plakat betta.
4x Chinese Fire belly newt efts (Cynops Orientalis) tough time feeding them, stubborn little group.
I know this is an old thread, been enjoying reading it! Here’s my current roster:

Trixie K. Terwilliger - Leucistic Axolotl I raised from a baby
“New Guy” (no name yet) - GFP Wild-type Axolotl just brought home
Dr. Steve Tanaka - Firebelly newt, probably Chinese, at least 17 years old, rescued from Craigslist
Lucy - blue Parrotlet, rescue from animal shelter
Ziggy - our feline overlord, taken from someone who didn’t want him.
Sally - McNab Border Collie, rescue
Alfie - small terrier mix, maybe Cairn/Chihuahua? Rescue from shelter

My last two newts, Fluffy and Snowball, lived for at least 35 years. I’ve been a newt and salamander fan since I was a kid.
I have a bit of a zoo myself. I currently have:
1- leucistic Axolotl named “Pearl”
2- dogs, a brindle lab/ pit mix named “Iggy” and a blue, brindle pocket bully named “Yoda”
1- short haired cat named “Miso”
3- rabbits, a blue eyed white French angora named “Furguson” and his girlfriend a blue eyed seal point lionhead. Then there’s my old man, a Flemish Giant/ angora mix named “Petey”
1-blue eyed leucistic ball python named “Apollo”
1-40 gallon cichlid tank with tiger barbs, a Bristlenose pleco, a blood parrot, green severum, and an electric blue acara.
1-20 gallon community tank with neon tetras, a betta, and a super red bristlenose pleco

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WOAH! I dont know how you do it! SO many babies!

I have:
Lynx Point Siamese boy named Chulo (4 years old)
Blue tricolor Chihuahua girl named Lilybelle (4 years old)
Dilute Calico Medium Hair Moggie boy named Krosp (3 years old)
Melanoid Axolotl Xmas gift as of yet unnamed (6 months old)
WOAH! I dont know how you do it! SO many babies!

I have:

Lynx Point Siamese boy named Chulo (4 years old)

Blue tricolor Chihuahua girl named Lilybelle (4 years old)

Dilute Calico Medium Hair Moggie boy named Krosp (3 years old)

Melanoid Axolotl Xmas gift as of yet unnamed (6 months old)

It’s ALOT of work but very worth it!

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  • SkudulfXD:
    Hello!!! I'm new to this website and idk how to ask a proper question on the designated spot yet, so I'll ask here, I'm a first time Axolotl owner, and my dad used to run an aquarium store, anyways... Orca, my Axolotl, seems to loose parts of her toes on one limb from time to time, I can't seem to find the problem. Tempature is well, she doesn't seem to have any infections or anything, though. And I'm not sure if I'll be able to find a vet in Brazil for amphibians that are in a reasonable distance to drive without stressing Orca out too much
  • Toast69:
    Hello, I’m hoping for some advice please. Our Axolotl is about 7 months old. Till now no problem. Eating, growing and happy. He’s simply stopped eating. Everything looks fine, his gills look healthy and no apparent signs of sickness. He just swims past the pellets and bloodworm like he can’t smell it. I don’t think it’s a blockage either. Any ideas and suggestions for treatment would be much appreciated. Thank you!
  • Olivia:):
    what is the best thermometer for my axolotl tank? preferably on Amazon, and can you show me a picture or a link:) thank you!
  • Olivia:):
    Also should I have a fan hitting my axolotl tank 24/7?
  • thenewtster:
    does anyone know how to care for mud salamanders:)thanks.
  • thenewtster:
  • thenewtster:
    how long do mud salamanders live
  • thenewtster:
    im new to the salamaner comunity
  • thenewtster:
    hey guys, again im resarching mud salamander babys and there care:)
  • Katia Del Rio-Tsonis:
    Dear All, I would appreciate some help identifying P. waltl disease and treatment. We received newts from Europe early November and a few maybe 3/70 had what it looked like lesions under the legs- at that time we thought maybe it was the stress of travel- now we think they probably had "red leg syndrome" (see picture). However a few weeks later other newts started to develop skin lesions (picture enclosed). The sender recommended to use sulfamerazine and we have treated them 2x and we are not sure they are all recovering. Does anyone have any experience with P. waltl diseases and could give some input on this? Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
  • Katia Del Rio-Tsonis:
    sorry I am having a hard time trying to upload the pictures- I have them saved on my hard drive... any suggestions-the prompts here are not allowing for downloads that way as far as I can tell. Thanks
    Katia Del Rio-Tsonis: sorry I am having a hard time trying to upload the pictures- I have them saved on my hard... +1