What night of the week would be best for a "scheduled" chat "event" ?

What night of the week is best for a chat event?

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Friday is a GO! I have scheduled two events to try this whole project out. Please see the posts for each of those events for more information.

While we are at it, lets get that chat room full of members! I plan to be in chat early for certain, and will remain on in between the two events.
So...just to clarify...does this mean that Aussies log in 10-12 hours later than the Fri night scheduled US time?
MA :confused:
From your point of view, yes.
Once I get back to my normal schedule (next week), I will host events for both Europe and Australia. I have decided that, given current events, it is very important to make sure most everyone here has access to the instant information chat provides.

I really enjoy interacting with everyone in the community and think that the more we all communicate, the better off our critters are.

Even if these events fail miserably, I am going to make an effort to be available in chat more often. I hope that everyone will do the same. It is a function that properly utilized can greatly enhance the Caudata.org family of sites for everyone.

I would like to add that I have heard some people feel their questions are "too dumb" or "too basic" to ask. This is a fallacy of the worst kind. If you have a question for chat, odds are so do quite a few others. Feel free to PM me the questions if you do not want to post them. The more information we all share, the better!

I am hoping chat will be filled with so many people with questions and answers I will have to open up windows on all six of my computer monitors to keep up.
Just a reminder folks!

Tonight is the night!

We are a mere Three hours away from the start of the chat events! (as of the time of this posting at 1630!)

Log into chat early and make sure you have it functioning properly on your computer! You may need to update your Flash driver!

Be ready for all sorts of useful information! We have not gotten many questions in but there is still time to do so!

We will open up answering the pre-posted questions first, then free things up for a little free-form caudate conversation.

It appears a good number of the moderators and caudate "pros" will be on hand to answer your questions and trade tips with you!

See you there!
The Next Event experiment(s) will be for the Australian and European time zones. I am tentatively planning these for next week. (Second week of October) My work schedule easily allows me to host Aussie time zone events. As for European Time zone events, I have a bit more research to do on this.

I have quite a list of lessons learned from the first experiment. I have also noticed that Sunday is a very popular day. Currently my work schedule does not permit me to host a Sunday Event. Perhaps <cough cough> a few volunteers would be willing to help out on this.

Many thanks to everyone who has supported this endeavor. I believe in a very short period of time, we will not need to schedule events anymore, as folks will feel more comfortable logging in for Caudate related Discussion.

In the meantime, I challenge all of you to log in to chat and become familiar with the functions available there. And while you are at it, have a conversation with your fellow enthusiasts!
I think it would be great if the social groups here got together in the chat one night and talked about what their specific group was based on. I just created one for Taricha Enthusiasts and it would be awesome if the people in the group sometime in the distant future got together to talk about breeding them.
This is an excellent idea!. I feel the Founders of those groups should organize such events though!
That's what I was thinking. You have enough to do. ;)
I have also noticed that Sunday is a very popular day. Currently my work schedule does not permit me to host a Sunday Event. Perhaps <cough cough> a few volunteers would be willing to help out on this.

Hey Johnny, my work schedule easily allows me to do this so I could do this one if you'd like. Heck I practically live in there while I am work anyways, might as well put me to use.
The chat I attended way back when was great. Are we going to pick this back up?
I don't have a problem with it.
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