What night of the week would be best for a "scheduled" chat "event" ?

What night of the week is best for a chat event?

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Nov 11, 2008
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Bellevue, Nebraska
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Johnny O. Farnen
I am including a poll with this post. I am curious as to what night of the week people would be interested in a scheduled chat event.

When I say event, I refer to something like a pre-set time period where a group of (volunteer) heavy hitters from the community would be available for a specific topic.

For example: a topic like "Live Foods Culturing" or "Housing for terrestrial Ambystomidae.

Go ahead and post suggestions, requests, et cetera in the thread!
Seems like a great idea, but I wonder how many people the chat room can cater for?
Splendid idea. I didn't vote, because most of those would be OK for me. In general, Saturdays are the least likely to be attended, as people tend to have activities. I think perhaps the time could be chosen for the convenience of the person who organizes the event (*cough*johnny*cough*), or could be chosen on the basis of site stats - the days/times that the site is most heavily used.

The other consideration here is that a large fraction of users are in Europe, where the time is typically ~8 hours later than in the US. Times will either need to be do-able on both sides of the Atlantic, or perhaps 2 chats could be scheduled for each topic.

We've had 15 or more people in the chat at once, but I don't know what its practical limit is. John may be able to find out. Or we can just put it to the test!
I'm definately up for this, if we can work out a UK time. I'm willing to work round whatever suits others in the UK or similar timw zone. (though I have to admit unday mornings are usually a clear time for me). Looking forward to hearing more about the online gathering.
I'm on chat during the afternoon most week days. I voted friday though, because I usually stay on for a couple hours after school on friday nights.
I doubt we'll ever approach the limit.
I have the advantage of being awake late nights US Time...so I think I can work with Euro and Aussie members to have events at reasonable times for them too!;)

Now we just have to come up with some topics!
If there is enough interest, I would like to set up an "Experimental" Event for Friday 25 SEP 09.

Truthfully, I can do any day of the week, except Sunday. I work a mandatory 12 hour shift each Sunday night, so the day is for sleeping.

As of right now, I am not sure enough folks are interested though.
Hey if it's on a Friday night I might try and be in there. Any ideas on what the topic will be?
Since this one is experimental, I am thinking sticking to the basics.

Here is what I have brainstormed down in between these wonderful treatments for my feet (tangled with the wrong end of a live circuit the other day, burnned a few holes in me boots and feet:p)

Possible Topics for Chat Discussion Event:

Water Chemistry and how not to Nuke it

Breeding Caudates: from eggs to all those extra juveniles you do not know what to do with

Field Herping Horror Stories: What not to do from the people that did it!

House of 1000 (cricket) Corpses: Why growing your own live foods is a hobby in itself

Feild Herping: Weather makes it Better!

Ambystoma: Tigers in your basement!

Cynops: Friendly Fire (bellies)

Vivaria: Choosing adhesives, paints and plastics

Of course, now that I read over the list, I suspect the meds may be influencing me:p

Anyone else have some ideas?
Multiple answers for the poll might've been more helpful - so many days in the week! Anyhoo it's a fine initiative and hope it works out.

How are you thinking of doing this Johnny?..I have visions of you being bombarded with a zillion questions. Some 'ground rules' will need to be set I think, like how questions are asked etc. Would it be an idea for any one joining in with this that they maybe pm you with what they may want to ask/ discuss?
I'll probably be there.
How are you thinking of doing this Johnny?..I have visions of you being bombarded with a zillion questions. Some 'ground rules' will need to be set I think, like how questions are asked etc. Would it be an idea for any one joining in with this that they maybe pm you with what they may want to ask/ discuss?

I think something along these lines sounds like a good plan.
You'd better appease the raving masses of axolotl fans with at least one axie topic;)
I think this a wonderful idea and hopefully will restore the main reason for having chat in a caudata site.

Friday night is a good time IMO, and I will definitely try to attend. I will not be a "heavy hitter" but will be there as a sponge. ;) (you can never know too much!)

Friday night is my late night at work, and they block chat sites on the computers so I will not be attending. I do look forward to hearing about it though!
To revoice what Midnight said, I also think this is a wonderful idea :happy: I put my vote in for Friday as well.

As far as regulating/directing the conversation, it might be a good idea to have someone act as a discussion moderator (taking into account pm requests made before-hand as well as general direction of the conversation the day of). This person could be in charge of making sure people stay on topic, deciding when all has been said and to move on to the next topic, etc.

It might be easier to make a discussion schedule/agenda based on pm requests and then to have an "open floor" at the end to allow for questions that didn't fit into the predetermined categories.

Of course, these are just suggestions. Feel free to utilize or ignore them. Either way, I look forward to the event :D
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