Question: What have I got?


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Aug 24, 2008
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I was wondering if someone could identify what it is I have?
I was given these, as the previous owner couldn't be bother with them.



Before anyone flames me, or anything, the one is very thin and ill looking, but they both don't look too great tbh, but I wanna help them :)

I've set up the tank for salamanders in general, but prob not quite correct...
I have Bog wood, moss, coconut and bark flooring, heat mat under one side, damp air etc...


If someone could tell me what it is, I have, and any more info would be great.

I don't know what they are, but they look like they might need to be in the water :confused: Maybe provide a water area? How were they kept before you received them?
I don't know what they are, but they look like they might need to be in the water :confused: Maybe provide a water area? How were they kept before you received them?
Really bad!
They we just left on Gravel, with a stale/non-livable water bowl, but the bowl was very shallow.

I have put a deep flower pot dish in there now with fresh water in, atm the thiner one hasn't moved since I put them into there tank, the bigger one has hidden underneth some of the wood.
I really have no idea what species they are- could they possibly be Spanish ribbed newts (Pleurodeles waltl)? Here is a link to their care sheet-

If they are, they are entirely aquatic. If not, check through the Caudata Culture species section to try and identify them-

Just a note- They won't need a heating pad- all it will do is make them uncomfortable.

It's great of you to take them in, Good Luck!:D
I don't mind taking them on, there different, just want to look after them properly.
But without knowing what they are, I have no idea :(

I have been told they could be Grey Tiger Salamanders?
Those are definitely Pleurodeles waltl, and like Nathan said, aquatic. Boy are they lucky you found them.
Those are definitely Pleurodeles waltl, and like Nathan said, aquatic. Boy are they lucky you found them.
Thanks for confirming that :)

Are they Fully aquatic or half aquatic?
They are fully aquatic, but it can't hurt to have a rock or something breaking the surface. Especially since these ones have spent so much time out of a pond, it might make them more comfortable.
I hope you have them in water right now because they look really dry.
They're not right at this moment in time.
But I have given them a good drenching with warm rain water, they seem to of perked up a bit now they're in a warmer envioment!

Off down the pet shop tomorrow to pick up a water heater, and what nots :)

Are there any sort of live water plants that are NOT ideal for the little mites?
They're not right at this moment in time.
But I have given them a good drenching with warm rain water, they seem to of perked up a bit now they're in a warmer envioment!

Off down the pet shop tomorrow to pick up a water heater, and what nots :)

Are there any sort of live water plants that are NOT ideal for the little mites?

I think I would get them into some de-chlorinated water as soon as possible, even if it's only in a temporary container. They will not need a water heater -- I believe this species prefers cooler temps.
Like Slowfoot has said, the cooler the better. Warm temperatures can stress and possibly even kill them; a water heater would just be a waste of money. Did you read the care-sheet that I linked you? It should tell you most of the basic information that you should know.
I did browse thought it earlier.
Maybe i should go abck and read it properly now I know what they are...
Ok they are now in a gollon jug of water - all I could find right now...
Sank to the bottom, and stayed there at the mo...

Its pure rain water too... so they should be ok :)

Are there any vitamins or anything I can add to the water?
I own a Map Turtle too, and I use some water treatment once a day, a drop a day adds vits and minareals, I was wondering if I can get or even use the same for the Newts?

I wanna help them, I feel bad for them now :(
Be careful - they could drown! I know this sounds contradictory, but even aquatic newts can drown, and if they are in a weakened state, I would worry about this. The need a place to climb out of the water, or perhaps just very shallow water for starters. Also, they can climb, so be sure they always have a secure lid.
Well they were put into some water last night, and this morning, they were actually moving!!

But been out this morining, and got a few bits to convert a dry, humid tank to a water tank :)
Look how much better they look!!

This is them this morning...
As you can see, the colouring has changed!

This is them in the new tank set up, bog wood, and lots of hidy holes, as you can see... this is bob saying hello :p


And Sid, feeling a bit camera shy!

I am so glad now that it seems I have started them on the road of recoverary :D
I'm guessing the tank probably isn't cycled. If so, then you're going to be needing to do daily water changes.
I'm guessing the tank probably isn't cycled. If so, then you're going to be needing to do daily water changes.
What do you mean by Cycled?

As in the pump moving the water round, making the water do a slow, very slow, round the tank movement?
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