I have, and thinking about it, I am just going to leave this stupid hobby anyway, just caused a bunch of problems to begin with
Owning a pet is not a "hobby" for starters.
I don't consider my dogs as a hobby, they are my pets, the same as my fish, the same as my 2 axolotls.
They are hard to care for sometimes, if they get sick or hurt, it can be stressful, it can also be expensive.
I know you are young, and probably feel attacked. But that's going to come with almost everything in life.
Ignore what you feel isn't helping you, and respond to what is.
Don't leave the "stupid hobby" you call owning a pet just because of a few negative comments towards you.
Maybe instead of asking on a new thread, use the search feature and do some research and write down pros and cons of each on a piece of paper, then make a board, list both pros and cons for both, explain your situation, then see what answers you get.
You'll be far more respectable if you take it upon yourself to educate yourself on the subject.