Vote For Over 18's Chat.

Over 18's Chat Room, For or Against the Idea?

  • Yes (For the Chat Room)

    Votes: 54 58.7%
  • No (Against the Chat Room)

    Votes: 38 41.3%

  • Total voters
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Smily Sam; he's 13 and he spends way too much time on chat. Well known for sending people invites to join the chat and saying 'hmmm' a lot.

Sam's a good kid. And he can see your post you know. Bordering on bullying if you ask me.
Excuse me, but some of the younger people on this website don't talk in slang at all and are truly interested in caudates. Some of them are avid searchers for wild salamanders and have seen many rare species. Some of us never bother to annoy members of a chatroom. I would like to keep the privelage of keeping accessability to all chatrooms. By lumping all of us under 18 together, you are judging a class rather than individuals. Here in the USA, men have fought and died many times to insure that men are never judged by what group they belong to, but by their actions and achievements in society. I believe the moderator of the site reserves the right to boot any member if he or she posts something crude, or just at his disgretion. Please, no apartheid on this site.
Excuse me, but some of the younger people on this website don't talk in slang at all and are truly interested in caudates. Some of them are avid searchers for wild salamanders and have seen many rare species. Some of us never bother to annoy members of a chatroom. I would like to keep the privelage of keeping accessability to all chatrooms. By lumping all of us under 18 together, you are judging a class rather than individuals. Here in the USA, men have fought and died many times to insure that men are never judged by what group they belong to, but by their actions and achievements in society. I believe the moderator of the site reserves the right to boot any member if he or she posts something crude, or just at his disgretion. Please, no apartheid on this site.

Ummm excuse me but perhaps read the entire thread? I didn't say that every under aged person does it did I? And not entirely sure why your only using Ex US Campaigns for an example but you bringing up that has shown you aren't respecting this is a multicultural site and apparently its American and not a World wide one.... Men in the UK have fought had died in their Millions before to defend peoples rights so what's your point? So have people on other Continents and other Era's way before the USA was Colonised lol
I think you have taken it rather too personally lol Read my last post about this topic...where it says that maybe a change in chatroom titles is more appropriate before raging on about Equality, also note I have said several times that under 18s would not be blocked from chat, but infact a 4th chat room for over 18s only be brought into use, However a Moderator/Administrator had brought up a point that maybe it would be better to change Chat Names (Please see underneath the previous names of the Forum Chat) which has happened... Sorry too appear rude but you did not read the entire thread and I suggest you do.

Note some of the quotes i am providing that haven't been altered.

This wouldn't mean kids won't be able to use the chat anymore, please read the rest of the Thread before posting.

however what I propose is not to close the other chats but to have the 4th Chat Room for over 18s only, so when things do get a little bit too much or out of hand we can retreat to somewhere instead of having 20 odd message notifications and receiving more from youths writing "Chicken Butt" or typing a bunch of random letters constantly lol.

I am hoping that Jens idea of having a perhaps new names for chats such as "On-topic (Caudata) Chat", "On-topic (Anura) Chat" and a "Off-topic Chat" can be done as it would be able to make use of all the Chats that are now available. However I do see the problem in keeping these under control as Moderators and Admins, understandably can't be online 24/7 to manage the chats.
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I think saying "I avoid chat because of the children" is a bit juvenile in itself. You don't have to talk to them and they can talk about what they want if it's All topics or the pond.

Most Long Term users have said they avoid the chat nowadays just because its not too their liking/when they come on they stubble across stuff said by younger generations they dont understand, however that isnt strictly fair on them as isnt this meant to be a Forum for all users?
Well you are new here and I don't think saw the original names for the Chats, they were just named previously as "Under The Log", "Sliding Through The Mus" and "In The Pond" and normally, as I said and others have said in this thread, they used to talk on one chatroom for it to get taken over and move to another one only too be followed lol However, I requested the names to be changed so maybe it could intice some of the older users or ex chat users to come back a bit more.

Anyway,the purpose of this thread has been achieved!! lol Should of really said to a mod to close it down haha :L
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Sorry if this was taken the wrong way by anyone, I didn't mean to sound like Americans are the only ones who fought for liberty. It just made me feel a little bewildered when I first saw the poll; as it seemed like I was being treated as an inferior. This is not the case. I didn't read the entire thread. Thank you for showing me that post. As the quote from a Few Good Men goes, "That was an important piece of information, don't you think." On a more upbeat note, did anybody else see Pseudotriton or Eurcyea over the summer?
I believe there are valid points for and against on both sides.But to tell you the truth ,and most people on here know it!!....
... I am one of these in mature people with bad grammaire,grammir, whatever!
I enjoy chat on this site ,whether it's on topic or off topic and yes sometimes these get mixed and there is (social banter,light hearted fun) I'm sure most of the people who have a problem with my bad spelling on chat or my slang,and immaturity can come on chat and pull me up for it!!
Otherwise the moderators can ban me from chat! ,In all honesty i see people on caudata mostly as friends(apart from the Mod's and the members with dillusions of grandeur who shoot you down or criticise your little flaws)
Not that I am directing this at anyone Mod or not.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mods read that last line again!
chat is for chat ,I do understand if people dont get on with eachother and don't want to go on chat ,but that's life everyone on here has different and quirky,weird,dull,boreing,exciting,annoying,fun personalities.
Depending on what you class as inmature or childish behaviour ,I would probably say "lighten up!"
There's a place on here for everyone :p
There is people on here who don't want to use chat are just complaining for the sake of it!
I believe there are valid points for and against on both sides.But to tell you the truth ,and most people on here know it!!....
... I am one of these in mature people with bad grammaire,grammir, whatever!
I enjoy chat on this site ,whether it's on topic or off topic and yes sometimes these get mixed and there is (social banter,light hearted fun) I'm sure most of the people who have a problem with my bad spelling on chat or my slang,and immaturity can come on chat and pull me up for it!!
Otherwise the moderators can ban me from chat! ,In all honesty i see people on caudata mostly as friends(apart from the Mod's and the members with dillusions of grandeur who shoot you down or criticise your little flaws)
Not that I am directing this at anyone Mod or not.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mods read that last line again!
chat is for chat ,I do understand if people dont get on with eachother and don't want to go on chat ,but that's life everyone on here has different and quirky,weird,dull,boreing,exciting,annoying,fun personalities.
Depending on what you class as inmature or childish behaviour ,I would probably say "lighten up!"
There's a place on here for everyone :p
There is people on here who don't want to use chat are just complaining for the sake of it!

I understand what you mean but there rules to follow. Like the rule of "when posting use proper grammar" so foreigners can easily translate or just to keep things proper. Slang in chat isn't a problem because you can explain what you mean to others. As far as chat goes, I'm still having trouble with chat.

Kind of funny how you and others make statements that suggest a lot of thought and feeling then finish it off with " but I am not directing this anyone". Oftenly people directly address others about care techniques or something caudate related. But when it comes to addressing each other, people fail on here. What I'm saying is directed toward everyone.

See you guys in the (on topic chat room).
I took a quick peep at the Chat Rooms just now and I can honestly say that it was a good Idea, I'm seeing Off Topics in the Off Topics Room and Amphibia related topics in the Amphibia On Topic chat! lol :happy:
I understand what you mean but there rules to follow. Like the rule of "when posting use proper grammar" so foreigners can easily translate or just to keep things proper. Slang in chat isn't a problem because you can explain what you mean to others. As far as chat goes, I'm still having trouble with chat.

Kind of funny how you and others make statements that suggest a lot of thought and feeling then finish it off with " but I am not directing this anyone". Oftenly people directly address others about care techniques or something caudate related. But when it comes to addressing each other, people fail on here. What I'm saying is directed toward everyone.

See you guys in the (on topic chat room).

Sorry bad choice of words, I did mean to direct my opinions at certain people ,I just rather do it without personally attacking or embaressing someone/some people tactfully,And not by tarring nice friendly people with the same brush as the d*** **ad's.
Normally some respond to indirect/discreet suggestion,which may be the case!
Considering the reason people want this is to get away from the immature people... yeah you should look at most of their ages over 18 wont help...
To Moderator or Administrator

Please Close the Thread as what was wanted has been achieved!! :D

Thank you :)
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