Very basic Qs (Firebellied newts)

yes-he looks healthy enough, give him time to adjust. from the first photo i can tell its a male, the tail length and the swelling at the base.
Thanks, I'd figured he was a boy :D I think I know why he was water-reluctant. I bought his gravel and plants at an aquarium wholesaler in Glasgow who, quite frankly, I've never been impressed with. But it was desperate times, my decent, LOCAL pet store was out of tanks and natural gravel (after a friend's trouble with painted gravel poisoning her betta, I take no risks). I also bought some silkplants there to act as terrestrial areas. He's pictured climbing them in those images.

Over the course of yesterday I was concerned that I thought the water was tinting yellow. I wasn't sure though, my other tank is lit with fluorescent light and sometimes I think I see colours a little bit dodgy, so I left it - planning to buy a fluorescent lamp for the tank. This morning the water was nearly brown, so I immediately took the lil fella out and cleaned the tank. What was it? Some adhesive on the silk plant base had gone a MYSTERIOUS golden brown colour. I am so angry right now, that could have killed him. The glue was was clear/whitish when they were put in, I wrongly assumed it was aquarium silicone. Those plants are no longer in the tank. He doesn't seem any the worse for wear. Three minutes into the tank and he's in and swimming, exploring the oh-so-interesting thermometers. And uh, climbing them. He's much more active now, in these last thirty seconds, than he has been in 24 hours.

I mean seriously, they sell those plants specifically for fish tanks. How moronic do you have to be? (I'm fairly sure they're home made/packaged plants). And I rinsed them thoroughly in both hot and cold water, and then in dechlorinated water (no chemicals, though).

Just... gyah. RAGE.

Thanks so much for all your advice and tips, I'm sure I'll be hanging around


(Message edited by ThePirateKing on December 23, 2004)
i just read the caresheet about fire newts and i didnt know they lived in cold water. when i enquired about thema t one of my local pet shops the lady was like 'NO, they MUST have a heat mat under the tank to keep them warm!!'
brown in water is tannin-it is being leeched from the wood you have in there-it will take a while before it doesnt turn the water brown all the time, very normal-even with cork bark.
Well, I didn't know that :D Though the wood is back in again and the water remains clear. I'm still suspicious of that glue, why did it change colour but not the white plant base?

Also, his spate of "Yay, aquatic!" has ended. He's rather lethargic now, has still been refusing food. He only goes into the water now to avoid me. I also noticed odd silvery-white speckles on his head, forming a trail along the spine. Should I be concerned about that? I've gotten desperate now, I left a few bloodworms atop the driftwood and one or two in the tank. I'll leave it two more days and if he shows less interest in the water I'll rearrange the tank to give him more terrestrial space. Two days will be Monday, which is almost one full week since I've had him. His previous owners left him well alone, I think, my presence and the sound of the tank lid flipping up makes him go all alert and stiff. He no longer panics when poked gently into the water, does that mean he prefers to be terrestrial?

Blah, newts are confusing! Good thing I already love the little guy XD.
Okay, lies, those little silver marks - one of them, on the lump under his tail, looks like a silvery bubble, bout the size of the eye of a needle. What could that be...?

Edit: Oh wow, best Xmas present ever - he was shedding his skin, he just treated me to a huge display of undressing himself. I have NEVER seen anything SO FREAKIN COOL. Can you tell this is my first proper amphibian? ;) Also, he got in the water to do it. Hopefully he'll eat something now. Awesome. *jazzed*

(Message edited by ThePirateKing on December 26, 2004)
I would guess the speckles are normal markings. I'm sure someone can tell you exactly what they're called, but both my newts have them, one more prominently than the other. I believe they're a sign of maturity.

On the other hand, if you only see those marks when he goes in the water, they're probably air trapped against/under the skin. That happens when their skin adapts to being terrestrial for a while. Lenny was almost completely silver when he went in the water after being terrestrial for a month or so, scared the heck out of me until someone here explained it to me.
I think they were actually his skin loosening up, they seem to be gone :D He scared the absolute bejeezus outta me though. My method is PANICPANICPANIC-oh, a reasonable explanation yay! ;)

Hi, L Whyte! Glad I found this site- just started reading, reading, reading. I recognized the photo of Mushu- glad to hear he's doing better. And I subscribe to your panic/relief method as well. :)

Hi Paula :D

Could anyone tell me how often firebellies shed their skin? Little man is doing it again, only 5 days since last time. Does this point to skin irritation or is it normal?

I've ordered a few books about newt keeping from, but there's a postage strike in the UK at the moment so they've not shown up.

L, Zippy seems to shed pretty often, too. Will be curious to hear what others say.
Newts usually shed skin when you stress them out or when they are ill. When they are ill they usually shed in patches and when they are stressed out of other reasons they shed the skin whole. Stressing can come from changing their environment for example. Once stable in an environment they stop shedding frequently. Shedding their skin whole every now and then is normal, sometimes they eat it sometimes they don't.
Thanks :D Little guy still won't eat, it's been nearly two weeks now since I got him. I know he was fed solidly on Frozen Bloodworms by his old owners. I've tried putting them in the water, I've tried leaving them next to him, moving them in front of him with a toothpick, and just today I filled a little bowl with tank water and put some FBW in it - then placed the newt in it. Nada, except a fun climbing excercise apparently. Going to try to pick up some different, possibly live, foods from the petstore on Monday. Gah.

Other than that he seems alright, he keeps all but his nose damp and certainly moves around the terrestrial part of the tank when I'm not around.
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