Ut 20eggsHelp needed please!

Only tubifex that's sold here is the freeze dried stuff that comes in brown cubes.

They look like bloodworm .
Yes same here frozen tubifex, In the brown cubes same has kapo's said.

I may try to get some off the internet need find someone with ebay.
Iam in UK, And they only have daphina ( small ones ) , The brine shrimp is too big what you can buy here in UK

Iam going to have to try get hold of some brine shrimp eggs from somewhere.

And get some bags of daphina or something.

Posting an update, I managed to get some brine shrimp eggs and have put them into a hatchery with a air stone, But waters cold at the moment so neither have hatched the newt larve has still not yet hatched and its cold ( winter weather here very cold ), And currently make it worse the central heating in house isnt working good either, So how far off hatching are my larve if its bean shaped and wiggeling inside larve?, And how long will it take brine shrimp eggs hatch?

They are both in water reading 60F, 16'c, thats both newt larve and brine shrimp eggs?, How far off are both?

Hopesome one can help me.
Forgot one thing about the brine shrimp hatchery, I have a little air stone and the bottom where the caps on the bottle, How much does the air stone need to be on to, Its on tiny little bubbles and not very many ( not powerfull its on little ), Whats best to have air stone how many bubbles and how fast on the blue screwing thing to make air come through fast or slow?

Anyone help on both questions please

Many many thanks
Paul Meehan
You're just going to have to wait, patience!

Could be another week before they hatch (I'm talking about the axie larvae!), just keep an eye on them, they don't hatch out all same time. Usually even at that temperature the brineshrimp could take 48hours to a bit longer.

If it has a knob on the airpump, then turn it down to medium or low. Most of our pumps that have knobs are quite strong.

Did you get the daphnia?
Paul, axolotls and newts are not the same thing. You will confuse people if you use the words interchangably. The things you have are not newts.

Brine shrimp will hatch at that temperature in about 2-3 days. AFTER an axolotl hatches, it does not need to start eating for about 3 days. Thus, you need to start a fresh batch of brine shrimp hatching at as soon as the axolotls start to come out of the eggs. It is good that you are doing a "test batch" now, as it will prove whether the brine shrimp eggs you got are OK. Some batches are duds. After the bbs hatch, they are only good for a few days, as they rapidly lose nutritional value and die off. You have to keep starting new batches of bbs every 2-3 days.

See: http://www.caudata.org/cc/articles/microfoods.shtml
How can i make the temp in the bottle as my heating in house doesnt work and its winter time and my wter just goes cold if i had warm water?, What best way to make the water in the bottle of the BBS so they stay warm enough to hatch quick and so it doesnt stay warm and then go cold again ?

One last thing how much should th airstone be on ? as at the moment its only letting very few bubbles out?, Should it be on more or does it not matter?, What best to have the air stone at ?, As theres not many bubbles coming out as its not on powerfull.

Anyone help?, Cheers


(Message edited by djmeehan on February 24, 2007)
You can use a lamp shining towards the bottle, that works. Just try out and see how long it takes and adjust your airstone to medium/halfway if you're worried about the bubbles being too slow (BS usually hatches within 24hours with a lamp)and you have a few days grace or longer before the axie babies start hatching. So best to work out what works for you.
What kind of lamp will i need?, I have house bulbs?, Will they work, and shall i shine it on the bottle? The bulb might burn my floor as its carpet?, its not one of them what have stands its just a connector i screw bulb in and then plug it in?

Any idea's?

How can i keep my water witch eggs are in warm so they hatch sooner aswell?

Do you have an ordinary desk lamp or can use a normal lamp but take the shade off. stick it near the bottle but not right against it.

With your axie eggs, only thing I can suggest is move the tank to the warmest room in the house/flat. Do you have an electric heat or radiator for heating in your place?
I have one but hardly using it iam waiting for heating be fixed, Also its just a wire so what shall i do put on floor shinging towards it, But might get hot and burn carpet?, Or shall i hand over top somehow by sticking it to a wall in house?, Or maybe try get a lamp of someone i know itch u mean ones that ben and u can shine down etc, Mines just wire with plug on end and somewhere where it screws in,

Can i add warm water to it or it might just go back cold again after a while so it wont work will it?

that doesn't sound safe! Try and get a desk lamp or lamp, can you get a cheapie from B&Q, argos, woolies or somewhere like that, or even borrow of someone for a couple of weeks.

Did you use the method mentioned in the link, probably adding warm water off and on won't be good?
I didnt think it would so i didnt do it untill someone said?, Iam going to try and get a lamp witch will make the water warm,

Ill get you updated on the eggs and brine shrimp.


One of my larve hatched today ( Tuesday 27th Feb @ 11:30PM, I have just looked and one off them has hatched?, Ive not been watching for long but once hatched do they swim around ?, Or do the only swim after a bit?, And when shall i add food ( daphina/BBS ) to the tank with the hatched larve?, Hope someone can help and say whens best to add the food into the tank?

Hope someone can help, Maybe more would have hatched in the morning once i wake up, I cant wait now lol, I love the little things lol

One last thing. When removing the hatched larve from the eggs will the turkey baster not harm the axie as there so small will it not borther them using this to move them from the eggs into another tubawear?

Hope someone can help us out with feeding tips & moving the hatched larve from the eggs tank?

Paul Meehan

(Message edited by djmeehan on February 28, 2007)
Can someone help me a.s.a.p, As iam worried i dont want to starve them or do something wrong?

Hope someone can help us out.
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