One of my larve hatched today ( Tuesday 27th Feb @ 11:30PM, I have just looked and one off them has hatched?, Ive not been watching for long but once hatched do they swim around ?, Or do the only swim after a bit?, And when shall i add food ( daphina/BBS ) to the tank with the hatched larve?, Hope someone can help and say whens best to add the food into the tank?
Hope someone can help, Maybe more would have hatched in the morning once i wake up, I cant wait now lol, I love the little things lol
One last thing. When removing the hatched larve from the eggs will the turkey baster not harm the axie as there so small will it not borther them using this to move them from the eggs into another tubawear?
Hope someone can help us out with feeding tips & moving the hatched larve from the eggs tank?
Paul Meehan
(Message edited by djmeehan on February 28, 2007)