Ut 20eggsHelp needed please!




I currently have about 20eegs, Well im hopeing there eggs can any one please tell me ive posted 3pictures below heres the links:




Iam just wondering if they actually are eggs?, Could someone please tell me, And how far they look of hatching, Ive had them about 5days, How far of hatching u think they are and are they actaully eggs?, Id be greatfull if someone could post back with help

Paul Meehan

(Message edited by djmeehan on February 17, 2007)
Yeah those are eggs with babies. As far has hatching sorry I have no idea. I only know what they look like.
If you have alive Daphnia, then you give this to your axolotls. But you can also give them live tubifex.
So when hatching i can ffed live tubifex?, Can i get thease from normal fish shops??, Ir Pets at Home ETC??, I was going to get some brine shrimp from my lfs, As ive been told thats best to use?, And does anyone know from looking at pics how long they have left to hatching?,

Iam just downloading msn ill be on soon, i hope your still on.
you can also get baby brineshrimp eggs from petshop and setup a hatchery and hatch them. Is live tubifex like live bloodworm, if not you can also use them? My friend also use tiniest of mosquito larvae which he found in his daphnia tub which sat outside.

They're at the bean shape stage! Not far now, really depends on the temperature they are kept at. If you increase the temperature, have it in a warm room, they will hatch earlier. If you don't have any live food yet put them in the coolest room till you can get some. My friends first batch took about 3.5-4 weeks to hatch, 2nd batch hatched with in 7 days as it was beginning of summer.
Ok, They sell brine shrimp at my pet shop but does it have to be newly hatched?, And once they hatch they will eat there larve wont they, When do you know when you need to start feeding them and how much do i feed and how many time a day?, Please get back to me,

No you can buy a packet/container of baby brineshrimp eggs and then you hatch them. My friend hatched his BBS, but just hatched them in an small tank. I looked after my sisters' baby axies and we used the shrimp hatchery method shown here: http://www.caudata.org/cc/articles/microfoods.shtml

Once they hatch, it's usually about two days before you start feeding. After 2 days my friend separated the newly hatched axie larvae from the ones still yet to hatch and then started feeding them.

When you do the brineshrimp you have to rinse the salt of it. We used a turkey baster to suck up the brineshrimp, stuck it in a coffee filter rinsed then stuck it in their containers. If by chance, you suck up any brineshrimp shells and the babies eat them they can die. You need to feed twice a day, waterchange their containers daily.

when they start feeding on the BS they have fat orange bellies (from brineshrimp). Any uneaten brineshrimp has to be removed within a couple of hours as they die and will foul the water.

If you can get daphnia that is so much easier especially if you get the tiny ones, unlike brineshrimp the daphnia won't foul the water.

If you can invest in a couple of turkey basters, one for the feeding, one for cleaning. I'm looking after my sisters babies again (they're an 1.5-2inches long) and the turkey baster is so good at cleaning up.
So that means i cannot just buy some Daphnia or Brine Shrimp from my pet shop or is it different kinds for hatched larve?, Iam a bit confused to be honest as its just the same isnt it from the shop or if you hatched your own or are they too big the Live Daphnia you get in little tubed bags from your pet shop?,

Please get back to me.
One more question, Once eggs start hatching ill have to take the axie out from the tank with eggs and put in another tub wont i??, Am i correct by saying that take each one out has it hatches away from the eggs left to hatch?, Also once they hatch from eggs and put in another tub, How much water does it need ?, Same as the eggs had in witch is about a inch n half, Or does it need more water in the tub where ill take they axie out from the eggs into a different tub, Could someone help me out on both questions, Will be really greatfull for the help

Paul Meehan
Aw you are so lucky, very few petshops here sell Daphnia or even brineshrimp and have to find a fish breeder to get them from!

If you can get daphnia then buy it. Whatever daphnia they don't eat will reproduce if they're in the tubs/container longer than a week. some baby axies will certainly try to eat the daphnia anyway but I've seen them spit them out and try again and again! Ask them if it is the baby brineshrimp and whether they hatch it themselves. I'm not too sure if its too big but you could try some anyway.

Ask them if they have a source of live bloodworms.
One more question, Once eggs start hatching ill have to take the axie out from the tank with eggs and put in another tub wont i??, Am i correct by saying that take each one out has it hatches away from the eggs left to hatch?, Also once they hatch from eggs and put in another tub, How much water does it need ?, Same as the eggs had in witch is about a inch n half, Or does it need more water in the tub where ill take they axie out from the eggs into a different tub, Could someone help me out on both questions, Will be really greatfull for the help
I spose you could do that remove the axie.

What my friend did was remove the eggs rather than the axie, as his tank was cycled and it was easier, using a combination of turkey baster and vacuum siphon (though they weren't at the bean shape stage when he did it).

He split his - had over a hundred; amongst two buckets/containers with an airstone. He used tankwater from parent tank the first day thereafter dechlorinated water; did daily waterchanges. Water level was about 2-3inches above eggs.

As they hatched he separated them/sucked them up with turkey baster, out into icecream containers (20 to container) with same level of 2-3inches of water, might have been a bit more, waterchanged daily. He only used airstones in a few of his hatchling containers.
Sounds hard thats bit confusing, Can i move axies when they hatched using a net or will it harm them?, Because i dont think ill be able to take the eggs out and would mean everytime one hatches moving the eggs wont it?, Or shall i move the axies into another tank and leave eggs there?, Im pritty confused ehere.

Wouldnt it be best move axies instead of eggs everytime one hatches?

If you want to move the axie and have another tank cycled or want do the waterchanges on your axie tub then do that.

Sorry, if I confused you I didn't mean to, but get a bit too wordy sometimes when I'm trying to explain.

Chris removed the eggs from the main parents tank by removing any tank decorations and plants the eggs were attached to and placed them into buckets. Any eggs left in the tank that were on the sand and filter he removed by sucking them up using the gravel vacuum siphon thing and his turkey baster (siphon works better as they're usually in a string).

The main reason he removed the eggs is he has 5 adult axies in the parent tank, and didn't want to have to move the adults out and into individual tubs to look after (he doesn't have enough room for any more tanks - even his garage is taken over by fish tanks). It was easier this way for him to look after the eggs.

ok, so the eggs were moved to buckets and an airstone placed in with them.

When the axie babies started to hatch out he would leave them a day or so then remove the hatchlings using the turkey baster, leaving the eggs in the bucket, and place the hatchlings into icecream containers.

One hatchling that he left in the bucket for almost a week started to eat the clear stuff surrounding the remaining eggs due to hatch.

Is that a bit clearer, please say yes :D, or have I have confused you even more!

You could try with a net but when I helped him (I was over practically every day once I found he had axie eggs!) it was far easier to use a turkey baster, the axie babies are fast and too hard to try and net while they're in with the unhatched eggs. You could try using a little plastic container/cup to scoop them up if that works for you, as you wouldn't want them stuck near the net holes they're pretty tiny being just under a cm in size(if you have a normal net - unless you get one of the really fine nets/like brineshrimp net.)

(Message edited by kapo on February 18, 2007)
Yes, thats says everything i needed to know, Thats brilliant, Ill probally just move the axies some way or another ill try a few ways then pick the easyest, Thanks ever so much for helping me out with my eggs, I really am greatfull,

Thanks & Hope to speak again.

Paul Meehan
You're welcome, it is exciting though but can be a lot of work once they all start hatching.

Good luck and keep us posted!
Ok, I just wondering how much i should feed and how many times a day, And how much Brineshrimp/daphine, To feed them, and how many times to feed them daily once they need feeding?,

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