News article in the journal "Science" on latest B.sal news:
A deadly salamander disease just got a lot scarier | Science | AAAS
My own thoughts after reading it:
It is missing some current positive information on the fight against this disease, making it a very alarmist/doom-laden article. But fear sells media.
It sounds like (from the end of the article) Joe Mendelson of Zoo Atlanta wants to ban every amphibian coming into the US. In principle, I can see merit to that (that is the current situation with hundreds of salamander species anyhow). But what about the B.sal carrying goose described in the research? Shouldn't we ban geese then? Seriously though, what is reasonable and where would it end?
And then it's important to remember the only known samples of B.sal in the US were imported by US researchers. Remember that studies showed that US researchers carried B.d. to new populations of amphibians in California. And wiped them out. Perhaps we should also ban the importation of diseases into the US for research if they're not already here.