I agree with you David
WC animals is not my best choice but in fact my ONLY choice. I'm living in eastern Canada and as far as I know there is nobody who breed Triturus here. In fact I think I'm the only guy in Quebec crazy enough to raise Triturus!
It's far easier in a big country like USA to find serious breeders with lot of species than here. So if I want a breeding colony, I have no choice to buy WC animals (and believe me they are very hard to find) and learn by myself. And I have no choice to buy a little more specimen than I really need simply because if I loose, for instance, my 2 mature males of a particuliar species, I'm not sure I can have another ones in the future! What can I do with 4 females and no male?
So please everybody, don't be to rude with poor guys like David and I who do our best to join the newt-breeder community with the best intentions.
I know, 99% of the newts sold by regular pet shops will probably die before the end of the year, but I'm sure you can make distinction between people buying WC newts just for fun and people like us who really want to do something to protect them.
Believe me, I would prefer to raise a fragile CB juvenile instead of buying a fully-developped WC adult.
David, I tried to buy the 3 Triturus species offered (in Canada to!) by NW Reptile but they were sold out, Now I have found why (25 Montandoni, 25 Alpine.....)He,he,he,he.....