This took a long time

here is the glue used to mix with the substrate used to coat the foam.
Thanks Josh for the great information! You've given me some good ideas for my own setups!
your welcome andy! show us some pics when u finnish! good luck man!
Could you post a photo of the brand/type of foam you are using? Thanks! Very inspiring
sure thing!

be careful with this stuff. it will ruin clothes and carpet. only spray half what you want filled in the aquarium. it expands greatly!
I'll let you know how it all goes Josh! I've spent ages on the net trying to get the glue you mention but i think i've found somewhere now. I'm sure there would be an equivalent i could use but as weldbond is tried and tested i'd rather go with that! One other thing, can i use any type of expanding foam or is it a particular type you use?
Thanks again!
Hey Josh I was wondering what are your lighting specs on this tank?
Thanks again Josh! I'm getting really into this idea now and cant wait to start the project! One other thing, is the glue and pete mix half and half?
Cheers mate
the mix is 1/3 peat, 1/3 water, 1/3 glue or close to that. im not sure if that formula is correct with the flavopol. youll just have to experiment with it. youll want to let it dry for a week or so to make sure its totally dry. as for the lighting, its not a big tank so i just have 3 flourescents on there that are 18". they hang from the cieling and are about 4 or 5 inches from the top of the aquarium. i had glass cut to fit the top perfectly to create a tight seal. the glass is cut just about in half for a lid. works great for dart frogs, but caudates, i would be careful doing this type of lid. course, ive never tried it so im not sure. anyhoo, good luck guys!
Hey that's pretty cool. Thanks for the info josh.

- has anyone tried this technique where it will be submersed? Like for a fish aquarium backdrop, or aquatic/semiaquatic newts?

-has anyone tried taking that stuff out of a tank if you want to change it?

PS: Hey, that's also built-in insulation to keep your tank cool in the summer! Or prevent heat loss from a tropical tank.

Sorry for all the posts... one more question... I noticed on blackjungle that they use black silicone to attach cocobedding (I'm sure peat would be simmilar) to the foam... any thoughts of how this compares to weldbond?

Thanks again
thanx keegan! the silicon seems like it would be a mess too me. ive never tried it, but its worth a shot. im going to experiment with several other ways of creating the background. as for submerging it in water, its all water proof! you should be fine. ive yet to try it in a newt tank. its all been for dart frogs. good luck and let us know your results!
Cool, I'll give it a go. Maybe I'll compare the costs of silicone vs weldbond before I start. I guess then, you just live with the yellow foam showing on the sides of the tank? ..that seems like the only big advantage of the black silicone. I think the weldbond/peat mix seems like it would give a better cover than peat/coco onTOP of silicone.

Hi guys, i've now got hold of some weldbond and will be starting my new set up real soon! (thanks again Josh for the inspiration!)
Keegan, to get around the problem of the foam being visible from the outside i've bought some stuff called fablon, this will be stuck on the outside of the tank on the back and sides.
Also Keegan, i was thinking of dong this set up with a friend who keeps fish so we'll soon see if will be ok! My only worry is that the pressure of the water may get behind the foam but then again it does stick real well,we'll see!
hey guys, im glad to see you are so stoked on this idea! good luck! ok, what i did to hide the foam on the sides and back of the aquarium is simple. i just took some hobby paints and painte the sides of the aquarium. it works great. as for the foam under water....heres what ive noticed. it doesnt seem to be the pressure from water that lifts it from the glass. it seems to be moisture period. the outer shell of the foam is water proof. but if water gets inside the shell at all, the dried foam inside will start to shrink. this shrinking detaches it from the glass and the foam becomes soft. i thought of a way around this a while ago. i havnt tried it, but you guys may find it useful so you dont have the shrinking a tube of silicone and put a heavy layer of silicone on the edges of all the foam once it has cured. this should create a tight seal and prevent water from seaping underneath the foam. once again, i have not tried it so i dont know if this will actually work. good luck guys! lemme know your results.
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