This is a wonderful site

Andrew I did not think for a minute that you were knocking old people at all. I took it as you were excusing them on the grounds of a saying based on fallacy. Your providing them with care sheets is admirable, I take it therefore you think you can teach the old dog to jump through new hoops.
I wasn't trying to excuse anyone and if its possible i would like to teach them the correct ways of keeping these animals.
The problem here though is the suppliers to the shops are even worse,everyone wants to make their bit of money, where does it end? Retail of reptiles and amphibians in my experience seems pretty bad in most shops.
I think the ability to learn "new tricks" has very little to do with age and everything to do with attitude. I've met many young "pups" who already think they know it all at age 22 and won't listen to anyone's advice. Some may wisen up over the years and learn to heed the wisdom of others... but in my experience most know-it-all's have a very hard time realizing they are not, in fact, the central hub of the collective knowledge of the universe.

Personally, I believe I can learn something new from anyone, no matter their age, social standing, background, etc. In fact the more they differ from me, the more I can learn from them, and the more curious I am about them. Unfortunately, I have met few people who seem to share this viewpoint and apply it daily.
Thats a good philosophy Deborah and one i agree with, but like you say, there aren't too many people willing to look at life in the same way. At least not in my experience.
Speaking for myself, I am 37 years old and am constantly learning "new tricks", many of which I knew when I was a child but have forgotten!

I learn something new every time I visit this forum---its owner, moderators, and many members are brilliant scientists and hobbyists. I am trying to teach myself all of the species' Latin names, for instance, and am also trying to learn about species other than what I keep as pets; if it weren't for the caresheets, patience, time, and kindness of the folks here, I would not know where to start in my endeavor to know more about these fine creatures. I wear my t-shirt with pride!
Good for you Leanne! Thats one of the reasons i love this forum too. We all love our hobby and want to keep learning no matter what!
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