Think about getting a toad/burrowing frog or maybe anothing caudate?


Feb 12, 2004
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United Kingdom
Display Name
Anthony mcgill
i have any empty tank that i'd like to add something to
it's a plastic tub 25L x 14W x 14h (inches). it has a substrate layer of sand,charcoal,topsoil then exoearth coco fiber/forest mix mix, after all the substrate height is reduce to more like 10inches. one corner of the tank has 3 pothos plant clippings,covered with dead leaves, rocks, and these spiny balls that fall from trees, i cut the spines and pill bugs seem to love these things

this has all been planted for close to a year, i found a larger plastic tub that i housed my first fire sal for 3 months that eventaully past away and now houses my 4 marbled sals that i've had since august. this tank hasn't housed any animals but does have an active pillbug culture that feeds on the leaves and spiny balls. the tank has 1 3inch PVC caped elbow hide oppostite the planted side , i use the same with my marbled's that i fill with damp moss that i replace, and a fake hollow log hide that suts maybe 2 inches in the middle of the tank. i have a water dish available but it doesn't fit well in the tank with the hides and planted rock side

i'd like to get something that could comfortably live in this space. i think a toad would be good but i'm concerned about the height, i fabricated a mesh top out of the plactic tub lid and it has exposed screws. for my sals it wasn't a problem but fear a toad could hurt itself.... with the PVC hide the the overall height is reduced to 5 or so inches in that corner to the exposed screws. i could buy tops for the screws but they rather costly and may take some extra time to acquire in bulk from a HW store(i have some 30 screws to cover)

i understand most toads are burrowers but can still hop a good distance vert/hortizontally would say a tomato frog or green toad(bufo viridis) be a good pet to house or would the risk of hitting the tank top be too great? i can easily get CB tomatao frogs but have read that when young they can jump high and injure them selves

i'm also considering another caudate species. it be a dream to own a t. shanjing but haven't seen them offered since i got back into the hobby last year.

suggestions? i'd love to hear others experience since i just re moistened the substrate and would like to have it filled

toad/ burrowing frog like tomato,chubby, or spadefoot? tank height to much of a risk?

other caudate? i'm considering either a single spotted, nw brown sal, or t. shanjing maybe even a tiger althought i'm not a big fan of their appearce and think the tank maybe to small. i have some temp concerns with species such as salamandra and plethodontids since my room could reach at least 75... my salamandra was WC but didn't burrow or use the water dish and i feared it died due to temp stress. my marbleds have been doing well from 60-75 and seem to use their burrowing behavior to help when the temps hit high and help them hunt the critters that hide close to rocks they burrow against
update i got a cb baby tomato frog(Dyscophus guineti). he's so tiny that the issue with the lid is null. i'll eventually fix it by sawing off the screw ends with a dremel and hot glue over the remaining screw. the real plastic caps to cover the screws were going to cost me 1.75 each.. so little over $50 to cover 30 screws

it's easy to see why these frogs get so chubby!! within an hour of him being in the tank he was exploring and i seen him chomp down 3 pillbugs and a crix. little more interesting to see a hunter than my 4 grown a. opacum who hide under rocks and snap at unwary bugs.

i was highly considering a cool toad i saw( bufo parvus Malayan Forest Toad more pics HERE ),but shipping alone for a pair would have cost $65 according to that site
well this post is now in the wrong section since i didn't get a bufo but here are some pics 2 months later of my tomato frog. it's grown from about thumbnail sized to a little over an inch.i hoping the repcal multivitamin and carrots the crickets and pillbugs feed on will help bring out it's color.



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