Hi all. tried waxworms today. Nothing. He actually turned his head away. I left some in the water and he may have watched them for a bit but nothing. Tried dried shrimp and krill too just to see. Nothing. Will try bloodworms tomorrow. It is getting to the stage now where he is getting skinnier and I don't know what to do. I don't want to bother him too much so I will try once a day. I've covered his tank, did a 30% water change and kept him cool. He turned away from the food. Today instead of laying on the rocks all day he layed on his plastic grassy bit that he has had in his tank for at least 10 years. It is half submerged in the water. When I changed the water he seemed to have sunk himself right into the grass which made himself fully emerged. I almost thought he liked it. He then turned around and hasn't moved much since. I realize he could still be being picky, but at this stage I can't afford for him to be picky as he's getting skinny. He's lived on pellets and fish his whole life and now won't eat anything. He shows no signs of being sick, no fungus, hard to tell how his floating is doing as he's rarely in the water. This is one sad newt owner my friends.
AHHHHHH! He ate two waxworms today. Hopefully he will not have any problems digesting them. I've been leaving them on his dry spots and he finally discovered them on his own, after I had tried to feed them to him. He is not looking healthy, and has some skin discoloration so we are not out of the blue yet. It isn't fungus, just dark spots probably from being so unhealthy by starving himself. But I'm hoping he keeps eating. I've noticed he is shedding quite a bit. I'm keeping the tank cool and clean. I sure hope he will pull through, it has been forever since he has eaten on his own. Thank you for all your help and please have the best wishes for him.
That's fantastic news. Don't let him stuff himself with waxworms though, it could be harmful, especially after a long period of not eating. I've had trouble with them before, my salamanders seem to get blocked and bloated from them. Piercing their skin prior to feeding can help.
If the newt looks like he's improving, you should try to feed him earthworms, hopefully he won't resist. Good luck!
I read on another post that newts will sometimes go on to land when there is a filter in the water causing a current because they are stressed out because they like still water. The stress might be preventing your newt from eating.
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