From the actual published rule, please see the following and compile this information for submission as public comment to the federal government. This seems like information that the community could collectively compile. These are reasonable and well thought out requests for information, and with luck the answers will be taken into consideration in the final draft of the regulations
We are soliciting public comments and supporting data to gain additional information, and we specifically seek comment on the following questions:
(1) How many of the species listed by this rule are currently in production for wholesale or retail sale, and in how many and which States?
(2) How many businesses sell one or more of the species listed by this rule?
(3) How many businesses breed one or more of the species?
(4) What species listed as threatened or endangered by one or more States would be affected by the introduction of Bsal?
(5) What provisions in the interim rule should the Service have considered with regard to: (a) The impact of the provision(s) (including any benefits and costs), if any, and (b) what alternatives, if any, the Service should consider, as well as the costs and benefits of those alternatives, paying specific attention to the effect of the rule on small entities?
(6) How could the interim rule be modified to reduce costs or burdens for some or all entities, including small entities, consistent with the Service’s requirements? For example, we seek comment on the distinct benefits and costs, both quantitative and qualitative, of (a) the prohibitions on importation and (b) the prohibitions on interstate transport of the species listed by this rule. What are the costs and benefits of the modifications?
(7) Is there any evidence suggesting that Bsal has been introduced into the United States or may have already established?
(8) Are there other pathways for Bsal into the United States that we should address? If so, what are they?
(9) Is there evidence suggesting that any of the species listed by this rule are not carriers of Bsal? If so, what species?
(10) Is there any evidence suggesting that additional species are carriers of Bsal and should be listed by this rule? If so, what species?
(11) Are there methods (such as thermal exposure) that would allow salamanders imported into the United States to be reliably treated to help ensure Bsal is not introduced into the United States, and how could compliance be monitored?
(12) Should the Service add eggs or other reproductive material of listed salamanders to the list of injurious wildlife because they may also carry Bsal?
(13) For the species we are listing, are the scientific and common names the
most appropriate ones accepted by the scientific community?
(14) What are relevant Federal, State, or local rules that may duplicate, overlap, or conflict with the interim rule?
We will also submit the rule for peer review concurrent with public comments. In conducting peer review, we will follow guidance from the Office of Management and Budget ‘‘Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review’’ (OMB 2004) and the Service’s own guidance.