So Friday night/sat morning I think it was she had a worm. I seen sick in the tank and a few hours she's floating on her side with bloat.ok. first things first. can you attach a photo of your lottl? what do you feed him and how often? what are your water perameters? any floating or pooping? any broken bones? for now tub him and do daily declorinated water changes.
She won't eat anything atm. The bigger tub doesn't work it's too big that she flops about in a panick so smaller one is easier the plant is there so she can hold on to it incase she needs to bring her self up I have seen her hold on to it a few times.ok it seems that the vet is doing the right thing. try feeding her blackworms for now. she will keep inflating for a little while but the anti biotics will help. remove the plant from the tub and make sure her skin doesn't dry out. also a bigger tub will help also a bubbler for more oxygen.
Hmmm I don't know about the fridge as I would only really do that at dying doors. She is herself except this bloating.Generally, I would advise not doing fridging unless necessary, but this is one of the circumstances that it might be very helpful. Sometimes a slight temperature drop helps them to poop. Other than that, I agree that it sounds like the vet's advice is what you should continue to follow. Watch for any new symptoms, but otherwise, just continue doing everything the same.