I have 11 mouths to feed, decided I can't sell any, but the pictures make me want more!! I'm addicted too, I think you can really get to know amphibians when observed in captivity, my Chinese Fire newt threesome use the plants in great ways with tail hooking etc and seem to get on with things no nonsence, compared to my P. hongkongensis who have varying levels of aggression towards each other and seem sensitive.. My 5-6 inch axolotl is 100% fearless, hungry and knows exactly what's going on. It's worse than a tank full of piranas, I may have about 2-3 seconds, (if the wild type is at other end of the tank) to remove a rock before he/she is taking bites at my hand... The urge to seek out amphibians in their own habitat is strong as well, similar to how an alcoholic may choose to leave his comfy chair and cans in search of a bar to drink in.