No smell, she never surfaced for air and actually seemed quite happy and comfortable! No dark patches in the sand, just a small amount of brown algae on the glass just below the surface in some spots.
go to Axolotls - Requirements & Water Conditions in Captivity and make up enough 50% holtfreters plus 1g per litre magnessium sulphate to treat the whole tank.
make sure that there is more than enough bio-media in your filtration, go through/turn the sand over with a fork.
get a cup of tank water and add one teaspoon of sugar, put cup on a radiator to warm the water for an hour, stir to mix in sugar, add enough bottled bacteria to treat the tank, allow to sit for two hours on radiator to keep warm, switch off filter and add directly to filter then power on, make sure air stone is on and that sand turned over weekly, this should give your biological filtration a kick and may turn the water cloudy when the bacteria bloom, don't do a water change and keep dosing ammonia.
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