Salamandra s. fastuosa



One place in the cantabrian mountains with interesting red individuals. Excuse the poor quality of the photographs, but conditions to make it were not the best...



wow! That is quite amazing, the picture could of been from 15 feet away, and a complete fuzz, I would still be impressed ;).

Great discovery Ruben.
Yes, you don't have to be worried on the pictures, mine are so bad that sometimes, I can't tell the diff between a firebelly, and an axie...

Hi Will

I don't know well that population, but ( more or less ) for every 6/7 "normal" salamanders I've found one.
Hello all,

not a long time ago I've been in Spain and we found S. s. fastuosa. As we turned a stone there was a individual (a female) that had poison coming out. My pictures are not developed yet so I have to give you a link where you can see a picture from Stefan (same individual): (just Scroll down - Stefan posted there his picture)
The interesting thing was, that the animal "shot" it's poison towards me as I handled her to get her in a better position for taking pictures. I tried to make one where she shoots the poison - I'll post it here if it's good.

Best Greetings,

Fastuosa is the most beautiful of the fire salamanders, in my opinion, and that red one is just insane.

(Message edited by tmarmoratus on July 14, 2006)
One place in the cantabrian mountains with interesting red individuals. Excuse the poor quality of the photographs, but conditions to make it were not the best...



Has visitado de nuevo la localidad? Es muy interesante que hay tantas salamandras rojas
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