I ordered 30 sagittaria 10 vqallisneria and 10 pennyqworth, for my 20 gallon soon to be ribbed newt tank. Does anyone have experience with any of these and their newts? Do I need to invest on any other species of plants?
I have and they are all great...esp the Sag and Val...both favorites for egg laying esp. I have even found that Sag thrive better in my newt set ups with 60 degree temps vs in my tropical planted fish tank with 77 degree temps. The Val and pennywort like moderate to high light though which you can achieve with some of the new LED set ups. They would prob be ok in low light but wouldn't grow too much. What is your lighting like? Also the Val and Sag Do appreciate a dirt substrate as they are heavy root feeders. Again they will do "ok" if just placed in gravel but won't thrive or grow.
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