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Aug 5, 2005
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Saint Paul, MN
United States
Is there a book you are eying up on Amazon or Abebooks but it doesn't have any reviews? Request a review here and hopefully a member has a copy and can write a review of the text. Give as much information as possible and if a member decides to help you out they can post here to let you know!
I just saw this on Amazon.

Fossil Salamanders of North America (Life of the Past) (Hardcover)
by J. Alan Holman (Author)

Anyone have/read it?
Just a side note, Al Holman was an awesome guy, and an awesome herpetologist. He passed away a few years ago, and it was very sad for all herpers, but especially those of us at MSU, where he was a professor. I had the opportunity to see him speak before he passed, and I will never forget a frail, 75 year old man making the most deadpan "Brokeback Mountain" jokes about Muir and Audubon.
I just saw this on amazon:

The Ugly Muckling: A Mudpuppy's Tale (Paperback)
by Ethan Kocak (Author)

List Price: $16.99

no other info but I'm intrigued.
A note about Al Holman'sand his book - I met Al a few years ago through his involvement in a fossil site the museum I work for was working on (we did the fossil mammals, he did the fossil herps) and he was a fascinating person. I remember him talking about a Dicamptodon ensatus that he kept for many years and is now a skeletised specimen! His book is very interesting, if one is interested in palaeoherpetology as well as recent herpetology. It is the culmination of many years' work and well worth a read.
I want to buy one of Raphaelli's books (either Salamandres de l'ancien monde or Les Urodeles de la Monde) and was wondering which people would recommend me to get. I would like to have information on the new world salamanders, but my main interest is in old world caudates - does the info on the latter suffer to accomodate the new world animals into the book?


I don't know anything about the first book you mentioned, but the second book definitely covers new world salamanders.
Hi Dawn

Sorry, I didn't really write what i meant clearly - I know that Les Urodeles de la Monde has new world caudatwes in it as well as old world, but was wondering how much condensing the info on Old world caudates suffered to get the new world salamanders in as well. Les Salamandres de l'ancien monde has more pages than Les urodeles de la monde.

Sorry for the confusion (i really must re-read my posts before submitting them to make sure they actually say what i think they say!)

I have Jean's book about Old World Salamanders but not the new one. However I believe Amphibiaweb has used many of his accounts from the new book - you can probably get a preview of the sort of "condensation" or lack of it.

Yesterday was Jean's birthday btw.
Thank John. I think I will go for the new one, as it does have good photographic data, which I believe the first book is a bit wanting in. Is jean a member of the site?

I just decided to buy Herpetology: An Introductory Biology of Amphibians and Reptiles, Third Edition but I've only been able to find a few reviews, so I would like to see a thorough one of that.

edit: by George R. Zug (Author), Laurie J. Vitt (Author), Janalee P. Caldwell (Author) (always good to know)
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What about the book "Petersen's Field Guide to Western Reptiles and Amphibians"?
Has anyone ever read "The Pepperwood Creek Affair" by the biologist Twitty written in 1966?

I got the book that this appears in and will be reviewing it soon! I think it's going to be GREAT! It's from a book called Of Scientists and Salamanders and is a sort of autobiography of his career.

What about the book "Petersen's Field Guide to Western Reptiles and Amphibians"?

As far as Peterson's, the Eastern guide has been reviewed, and I have the Western now as well, and everything holds true that was written about the Eastern guide, except there are different species treated. It's excellent!
I am interested if anyone is familiar with either of these books ...
Axolotl. Facts & Information: A Complete Pet Owner's Guide. Lolly Brown
Axolotls, Mexican Salamanders as Pets. Axolotls care, facts, diet, aquarium, habitat, breeding, diseases and where to buy all included. The Axolotl Complete Owner's Guide.
Elliott Lang
I just saw this book on amazon Genus Triturus a chaimaira book has anyone had a chance to review this book please let me know. thanks
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