Whilst I agree with your statement some people actually need to be told bluntly "You are killing your axolotl !", even then they dont take the hint and make excuses or plainly think they are being lied to,it is very frustrating to see and the end result, unfortunately, is often sarcasm. Examples of animal abuse and neglect are rife in this forum and seem to be excused by many members when giving advise, I care more for the welfare of a mistreated animal than the feelings of a person who by lack of research, lack of care or in many cases plain stupidity has led them to seek advice, often far too late. If you can spend one week posting in the sick axolotl section of this site without banging your head on the nearest hard surface every couple of hours I would be amazed. When you try to explain to somebody that keeping their axolotl in water that has the same ammonia content of a sewer is bad, or that actually feeding the correct diet is a good thing , actually feeding them at all in a couple of threads, removing the plecostomus/goldfish/algae eater from their tank as it is a potential hazard only to be ignored and responded to in the same old way "Its all right I been doing it for the last month and theres been no problems!", is depressing to say the least. So if any body wants to ignore advice I offer, advice which is all ready available if they search the history of this site, they can feel free to ignore the sarcasm as well.