It's difficult to generalise with a species as varied as C. pyrrhogaster, there are keepers that find they will go back to the water very easily, whereas others have them terrestrial for years.
For my group of sasayama, the ones in this thread, I've given up trying to raise them completely aquatic as they do spend all their time climbing the sides for the first few months. I now keep them in very simple terrestrial set ups with damp paper towel substrate and a hand full of fresh leaf litter. They soon learn to eat chopped worms from a jar lid or similar and get to graze on the tiny insects in the leaves. They grow fairly quickly when raised like this and will normally become fully aquatic with minimal fuss at around 7-8 months old.
I wouldn't say don't raise them in weedy aquatic set ups, I learned an awful lot about how baby Cynops behave from doing it, and it gave me the confidence to try other methods and species.
I do miss hand feeding them mind you, so maybe i'll give it another go with this years morphs! =)