Quick! Good plant species for cold water?


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2010
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United States
Mama is soo excited :p - I finally located a lower-48 vendor who will ship live plants to Alaska. They have everything; I want to make a big order - so...

what plants grow well in cool newt water (50 - 55 degrees winter, 60-65 summer)?
I can provide good levels of light, though the newts probably prefer low light. Plants will be potted in the tank.

In the past I had Ceratophyllum (love it), Java fern and Java moss (love it) and Elodea (Elodea and I recently had a falling-out; see ammonia & plant thread),

but I would like to try other species as well:
Ludwigia? Anubias? If so, which species?

Y'all have nooo idea what a pain it can be to find aquarium plants in the great state of Alaska. People up here like duct tape, diesel, and large edible mammals; such delicate nerdy things as aquarium plants are below the radar. I recently bought every last java fern in the state, and that was only about 5 plants :( :wacko:
water wisteria is my all time favorite filter plant. It doesn't need much light, and it's pretty in my opinion. It also doesn't disenigrate all over your tank. Cabomba is also a nice low light fast grower that can survive lower temps.
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