I have to laugh there. Since we have this new house with a large (for Berlin) back yard, my husband wanted to install a pool. I said no way, what a waste of water! And got all ecologically conscious on him - "In 20 years, 25% of the world's population won't have enough fresh water to survive the day, and you want to dig a hole in the earth and fill it with fresh water and poisonous chemicals so you can PLAY in it!?" (I'm such a nag.) And now I'm dumping about 20 gallons a day into the terlet. He hasn't noticed (or commented on) that yet... He didn't help me set up the tank either - I couldn't even wait for him to get home to carry the 45 pound bag of sand up to the apartment, much less to hold it over the aquarium to fill it. Heck, he hasn't even got the brilliant idea of offering to fill one watering can while I'm emptying the other - even after I said, "In our new house I want at least one sink faucet where I can attach a hose." I'm much too subtle for him, I guess. However, each day when he comes home and every time we leave and return, he takes my hand and says, "Let's go look at your babies" and we go and stare at the aquariums together haha. He hasn't noticed yet but I'm turning him into a nerd, too hehehe