Question about cycling


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Oct 12, 2007
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Denver, CO
United States
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Hey all,

I've just finished setting up a new 29 gallon tank for my 3 newts. The actual water portion of the tank is probably around 15 gallons. To fill it, I used approximately 50% new water (bottled spring water) and 50% of the old water from my newts' tank. I've also transferred all of the plants, gravel, rocks, nasty bottom scum where all of my invertebrates live, and driftwood from the old tank to the new one. Besides the new water, I've also added some washed play sand to the bottom.

So my question is: Do I need to let this new tank cycle? Or should it be good to go? It's basically a 50% water change. I'm just not sure if this is enough new bacteria-free water to warrant cycling or not.
I think it will probably be fine. If your parameters are off, then do water changes until they're normal.
nasty bottom scum where all of my invertebrates live ----> what exactly do you mean by that? i mean, do you have invertebrates living with your newts? If so, what kind of invertebrates?
I would be cautious for a few days but you should be fine. Just keep testing the water.

If the water is not completely sectioned off by something like plexi it may go through another mini cycle.
nasty bottom scum where all of my invertebrates live ----> what exactly do you mean by that? i mean, do you have invertebrates living with your newts? If so, what kind of invertebrates?

Ostracods, copepods, daphnia, nematodes, some little flatworms, limpets, snails, etc - all tiny stuff.

Thanks for the advice. I think I'll let it sit for another day, add the newts, and keep checking it to make sure everything's fine. I can already see all the teeny creatures making new homes for themselves. Unfortunately, I think the hair algae came with the plants, so I'll have to keep grooming that out.
I have a 3g tank with a couple of chinese firebelly, should i get those types of little animals (i would definitly like that, for the fun of it)? If so, where do i get those?
Well first you need to get a bigger tank!

Then after you add some plants and some wood after time you'll start to develop some of these animals inside the tank
I had collected some pondwater with inverts to feed my newt larvae - they make really nice food for the larvae when they're really small. Just make sure you take out anything that could hurt your newts, like dragonfly larvae, water beetles, etc.

Of course, you could also be introducing diseases, so I'd be careful about adding stuff from ponds.

eta: I added the newts this morning. They seem fine. However, the sand might be a problem: the first thing they did when they hit the bottom was start eating it. I'll just keep a close watch on them and hope the novelty factor wears off.
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