it's 9:20 am wednesday 11th, August 2004 and ONE OF MY BABIES HAS HATCHED!!!!!!!!
I was just looking in the tub, thinking that none of the babies would have hatched yet, and i saw this cloudy jely thing and thought - hmm that wasn't there last night - hang on there was an egg there last night!!! Then I looked frantically for the baby - and there it was, just sitting there waiting for all its brothers and sisters to come out and play!
I have to go to work soon - so I hope that i get to see one actually come out of the egg. I want to see how it does it!!!!
I don't know why - but i thought that when they came out of the eggs they would look different, but it still looks the same as it did when it was inside the egg - just not curled up! I'm not disapointed - but you know when you don't know what somthing will look like, and then you see it, and it's different - eventhough you didn't have a pictuer of what it would look like anyway - you just thought it would be different! Hope i didn't confuse anyone with that ( know what im talking about!!!)
Anyway i have to get ready for work (and take another look at the babies!)
Oh, and to answer you question elle - just put your fingers in there and get it out - the others will be ok - they are stuck pretty firmly to the plants - and if they come off - they will still develope on the bottom of the tank - i had a few like this. They are pretty slippery and pretty well stuck on - so it might take a few attempts to get the infertile ones out.