Hey guys! I'm sorry for the lack of updates, everything has been so hectic. I rushed her to the vet on Monday after I noticed her gills bleeding and her stomach becoming far worse.. Three-four hours and $180 later, they tell me they have no idea how to care for axolotls, and that she'll need to stay the night at the vet and a specialist will come in in the morning. Falkor got antibiotics and pain injections overnight with the stay. Tuesday morning, the specialist came around.
They took an X-Ray and it turns out her arm is actually not broken, but she instead has a dislocated wrist that the specialist believes Falkor can heal herself. It was a huge relief because before the X-ray, they were talking about me going to some university where they have surgical operations on fish and I was like oh my goddd my poor baby!!
So good news on her arm and gills. She only has a dislocated wrist, and her gills were in fact caused by Cilantro because there is nothing else wrong with them. Now that's all fine and dandy, but turns out her stomach is just one giant, red, and open wound. Those pictures of her stomach I posted, remember? That white stuff turned out to be her skin dying away, not healing. It died away and underneath layed her basically completely skinned, an open wound. The vet described it as the equivalent of me peeling my arm skin away and just leaving it out in the open.
Good news is that her tissue seemed to be healthy regarding the circumstances. She had no infections of the wound or anywhere else, and didn't seem to be getting any sign of it. The specialist said that Falkcor will most likely be able to heal herself, with the help of antibiotics I have to inject into her every three days.
All positive updates, and I got to take her home Tuesday night! Thursday morning I gave her the first injection from the hospital, she's taking it pretty well.
My only concern is the fact she has still not eaten since the fall almost two weeks ago. The vet said its most likely due to the pain on her bottom with the open wound. When the antibiotics start helping and she starts healing, they hope she will start eating again. I'm trying to stay hopeful but I'm so worried. I try feeding her everyday, but she won't go for it. She's dramatically lost weight. She is super skinny compared to how she was, and has actually shrunk in overall size and length as well. Cilantro used to be the runt of the two of them, with Falkor being generally larger, longer, and fatter than he was. But now compared to Falkcor, Cilantro looks like a giant