Piebald axolotl larvae?


May 18, 2011
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United States
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Hey guys, I was wondering if this larvae is a piebald. It looks half gold half leucistic. Also if I were to say keep it and eventually breed it with a Gfp melanoid, would the larvae be gfp piebald?




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Really hard to see from the photo but both eyes look the same to me. Could you post a clearer photo? I know they are really small and it's not always that easy. If you think the split in colour is down the centre of the larvae then it would be a chimera rather than a piebald.

Regards Neil
I'll get a pic with my macro camera soon. The left eye is gold and then right eye is leucistic.
If it's half, it's likely a chimera, not piebald.
Pure axolotl awesomeness whatever it is :)

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Here us a macro pic of the possibly chimera and another larvae.


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And the larvae


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Well it looks like a golden albino with black specks which makes it very interesting. The dark eye just looks like it has some black speckling on or near the eye rather than the whole eye being dark, which a leucistic would have. Keep us updated of this little ones progress.

Regards Neil
Thanks, I will keep you guys posted!
So I am 98% sure that the eye is leucistic now. I saw the larvae against the side of the cup and its "specled" eye was showing. I saw that it has a black pupil and a goldish iris. Here is the editied photo. I will try to get a similar macro shot soon. It also appears that one Sid of the gills has barely grown in, is that bad?


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Well it looks like a golden albino with black specks which makes it very interesting. The dark eye just looks like it has some black speckling on or near the eye rather than the whole eye being dark, which a leucistic would have. Keep us updated of this little ones progress.

Regards Neil

After about 10min looking through a macro camera, I discovered that the eye is indeed speckled, not only on top, but underneath and inside the iris. It made the eye to appear leucistic. Only the macro revealed that I was indeed wrong. I am still stumped on why one side of the gills is barley developed. I will upload the pic and keep u guys posted.

I did not see an egg like that. I may have missed it. But I doubt it.
It only takes a fiew days till they become one. Maby you missed it.
Oh well i guess only time will have the answer.:eek:
Here is the pics:happy:


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And the other side. You know, his "good" side.;)


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And one more.


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Stunning little larvae thats for shure!! i follow this topic evry day. What ever it will become it will not be normal!!;)
Thanks for all the feedback, I will keep yall posted. I need to come up with a name that is not pirate. Hee hee.;)
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