Paludarium For young P.labiatus journal [ warning : Tons of pics ]

Hi, that tank looks amazing and the newt is beautiful!
Could you post another picture of the lid please -I don't get how it works... it looks like the mesh isn't attached to anything (sorry if I'm being slow...)
Hi, that tank looks amazing and the newt is beautiful!
Could you post another picture of the lid please -I don't get how it works... it looks like the mesh isn't attached to anything (sorry if I'm being slow...)


dont worry i wouldve asked the same thing looking at that picture haha.

here's how it is..


tank come with these hook like things.. so i just place my stainless steel mesh over it..

and when im done feeding or cleaning the tank, i tape the borders like this..


anything to prevent them from escaping eh?

Re: Paludarium For young Plabiatus. journal [ warning : Tons of pics ]

Looks great and nice newts! bad i dont have a cool room or cellar, i have newts i want in my collection.

A question thoug, i see that you have several armatures for light on the topp, dosent that rise the temperature to much?

Old thread i know.

:eek: I've never seen! I liked that you did for Paramesotritons, but this is also spectacular, especially the land area! Congratulations! Keep up the good work!
i can´t say anything but WOW. It looks fantastic
Thanks guys!!

Fortunately for me, the light doesnt give me any heat problem so far. :eek:

here are some update on my newt and tank..




Why is the newt still so small and why are you keeping it with so many fish?
Why is the newt still so small and why are you keeping it with so many fish?

hi, those fishes are really really tiny the angle of the photo taken makes it look all crampy n stuff.

As for the newt size, im not sure. i feed him 1-2 earthworms half of his size (most of the time, 2 thin ones per feeding session ) per 2-3 days. But he's definately much much bigger when i 1st got him and when he's on bloodworm diet.

anything wrong here somewhere? Do correct me. :eek:

May I request a list for all the aquatic plants that you used in making this set-up?

Also, what food does the crab eat?

Lastly, nice set-up! :grin:
May I request a list for all the aquatic plants that you used in making this set-up?

Also, what food does the crab eat?

Lastly, nice set-up! :grin:

that crab onli wander around the land area haha. i feed him crab pellets and bits of bloodworms.

plants : land and water = java moss.
water = anubias nana , java moss, java fern.

I never see that ameizing paludarium this is great ;)
that crab onli wander around the land area haha. i feed him crab pellets and bits of bloodworms.

plants : land and water = java moss.
water = anubias nana , java moss, java fern.


thanks!!! I'll be making my very 1st project soon, hehe... i was wondering if there are any threads regarding tutorials on fake rock wall?
Your tank is beautiful! It inspired me to recreate my own little paradise! I found a styrofoam background similar to the one you have here and used the scraps to make two land areas for each of my chinese warty newts :happy: how did you get the land area to stay put?

I have Gorilla glue in which I used to stick the two sides together forming a rock area on the top and bottom of the land area. Should I just use the Gorilla Glue to stick the land areas to the sides of the glass and cut a spot for them to fit in the background? How did you do it?
Very nice tank, i love your emersed mosses.
-Floating plant visible on pictures is not frogbit, but Pistia (water lettuce)
-I am still wondering why your newt is not growing? If it's really labiatus (and it looks so), it should be two times bigger now!
-I advice cleaning your aquatic moss (suck the dirt out with a pipe), it's looking very ugly.
Very nice tank, i love your emersed mosses.
-Floating plant visible on pictures is not frogbit, but Pistia (water lettuce)
-I am still wondering why your newt is not growing? If it's really labiatus (and it looks so), it should be two times bigger now!
-I advice cleaning your aquatic moss (suck the dirt out with a pipe), it's looking very ugly.


- the 1st pic, its a mix of both lettuce and frogbits, though the frogbits are almost not visible there haha
- Yea it puzzles me too. Bloodworms daily ( 2 servings tho he always did not finish the whole cube) and earthworm every now and then. Im not sure why. its active and have never refuse to eat.
- Yeap i took it off and gave it a good wash, back to green! haha :eek:
a beautiful setup! It does make you think what is possible with a little imagination and a lot of hard work and perseverence :) well done you.
a beautiful setup! It does make you think what is possible with a little imagination and a lot of hard work and perseverence :) well done you.

thank you! =]

here are some videos and pictures of my newt's tank mates






YouTube - my mini crab

YouTube - cherry shrimps

** FYI : those 2 fishes have been transferred to another tank. just the two of them. harming my shrimps haha.

nice job your tank he looks wonderfully
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