Organ failure ?


New member
Sep 23, 2021
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Nova Scotia Canada
We took this Axolotl in back in September and have been tubbing her since. Her previous conditions were pretty terrible. She came to us in rough condition, and though she is eating and acting per normal she has been getting more and more bloated.

I live in a small area with one “exotic” vet whom I’ve had issues with in the past with other pets so I’m hesitant to let him disgnoae.

She was originally kept with pretty large pebbles. Is it possible she ingested one and has been slowly growing from impaction since ? She eats about 2 red wrigglers every few days. She’s vomited chopped up night crawlers before so I’m nervous to feed too much at a time. The bloating started after the vomit, could that be related ?

Mostly I’m looking to gain as much info about what possible diagnostics / treatments I can discuss with my vet .

Here are picture of her first week we got her vs now

I don't think it's impaction as the legs have slight swelling as well so it looks like fluid build up.
there are a couple of threads on the forum that mention bloating and things that can be done including nutrition.
you may have to go to a vet to see about having some of the fluid removed.
I have no personal experience with that.
This old post is worth reading :

I have read through that post as well as others. Not super helpful for what I’m looking for. Basically I feel stuck with lack of exotic vets and I don’t fully trust the one we have locally. I’m hoping to gain as much knowledge as I can to bring to my vet to aid him with diagnostics.

I’m also wondering when euthanasia is called for . She moved around per norm, does t float & eats regularly . How do I know when she has poor quality of life? She hasn’t been introduced to her tank since I’ve taken her in
apart from seeing a vet there are a couple of thing suggested, a more varied diet (wild axolotls were a top predator and eat anything from fish to insects), adding holtfreters solution to the water (axolotls are a slightly brackish moderate to hard water animal), keeping the water temperature low (more towards 15°c than 18°c), adding almond/catappa leaves (beneficial tannins are released and are also anti-bacterial).
get your water checked for hardness.
I would try using holtfreters solution or a modified version as it could be osmosis causing bloat. do not use salt for human consumption as this contains iodine (unrefined himalayan salt is fine though)
unless she is visibly under stress or pain, euthanasia isn't always the correct answer.
Squished like a pancake usually is indicative of organ failure. Sorry for your loss.
apart from seeing a vet there are a couple of thing suggested, a more varied diet (wild axolotls were a top predator and eat anything from fish to insects), adding holtfreters solution to the water (axolotls are a slightly brackish moderate to hard water animal), keeping the water temperature low (more towards 15°c than 18°c), adding almond/catappa leaves (beneficial tannins are released and are also anti-bacterial).
get your water checked for hardness.
I would try using holtfreters solution or a modified version as it could be osmosis causing bloat. do not use salt for human consumption as this contains iodine (unrefined himalayan salt is fine though)
unless she is visibly under stress or pain, euthanasia isn't always the correct answer.
I had a hard time getting logged back into this account for an update

Since least posting, we added frozen blood worms & brine shrimp to her diet - still minimal output, no change in size. We started fridging her at 10degrees about a week ago - still as active, hasn’t pooped anything out at all, no change in size. We haven’t offered her food while she’s in there. The last three days I have been giving her a 15 minute soak in the advised solution, still no change in size/activity.

I’ve called every exotic vet within a 5 hour radius and none are taking on new patients. My current “exotic” vet who has treated my reptiles will not assess Dobby because he has never dealt with an amphibian before, though apparently does deal with fish. I even asked if they could just X-ray her and email me the results to post here and they refuse .. still at such a loss at what to do with her …

Can you link me to any home made antibacterial treatments I can try ? The only thing I can find is Indian almond leaves locally
Your axolotl has a lot of fluid buildup which is unfortunately indicative of organ failure and not treatable, regretfully. I don't know how long they can live like that but it is a significant impact on their lifespan and I don't think there is anything you can do except try to make her as comfortable as possible for the remainder of her life.
I had a hard time getting logged back into this account for an update

Since least posting, we added frozen blood worms & brine shrimp to her diet - still minimal output, no change in size. We started fridging her at 10degrees about a week ago - still as active, hasn’t pooped anything out at all, no change in size. We haven’t offered her food while she’s in there. The last three days I have been giving her a 15 minute soak in the advised solution, still no change in size/activity.

I’ve called every exotic vet within a 5 hour radius and none are taking on new patients. My current “exotic” vet who has treated my reptiles will not assess Dobby because he has never dealt with an amphibian before, though apparently does deal with fish. I even asked if they could just X-ray her and email me the results to post here and they refuse .. still at such a loss at what to do with her …

Can you link me to any home made antibacterial treatments I can try ? The only thing I can find is Indian almond leaves locally
holtfreters or modified solution isn't used to soak in, it is used in any water that your axolotl goes into ie.. tank, tub etc.
what holtfreter does is make sure that any water that contains you axolotl has the required salts and minerals in it, even if it is johns solution you are using make the solution with 3g per litre salt, this is because the salt will help to reduce the fluid that your axolotl has built up.
the solution I would recommend using would be 3g marine salt, 0.1 epsom salt, 0.1 calcium chloride, 0.1g bicarbonate of soda, these are all measured as per litre and to be used in any water containing your axolotl.
doing salt baths may be of benefit.
for salt baths use Salt bath Picture Tutorial as reference.
holtfreters or modified solution isn't used to soak in, it is used in any water that your axolotl goes into ie.. tank, tub etc.
what holtfreter does is make sure that any water that contains you axolotl has the required salts and minerals in it, even if it is johns solution you are using make the solution with 3g per litre salt, this is because the salt will help to reduce the fluid that your axolotl has built up.
the solution I would recommend using would be 3g marine salt, 0.1 epsom salt, 0.1 calcium chloride, 0.1g bicarbonate of soda, these are all measured as per litre and to be used in any water containing your axolotl.
doing salt baths may be of benefit.
for salt baths use Salt bath Picture Tutorial as reference.
Wolfen, I'm sure the holtfreters will definitely make Dobby feel comfortable, but how much does the animal have a chance, especially considering this thread where the owner did everything.
Wolfen, I'm sure the holtfreters will definitely make Dobby feel comfortable, but how much does the animal have a chance, especially considering this thread where the owner did everything.
I don't know to be honest, he does seem to be displaying signs of osmosis which will lead to organ failure, without having the fluid removed the chances are poor.
holtfreters or modified solution isn't used to soak in, it is used in any water that your axolotl goes into ie.. tank, tub etc.
what holtfreter does is make sure that any water that contains you axolotl has the required salts and minerals in it, even if it is johns solution you are using make the solution with 3g per litre salt, this is because the salt will help to reduce the fluid that your axolotl has built up.
the solution I would recommend using would be 3g marine salt, 0.1 epsom salt, 0.1 calcium chloride, 0.1g bicarbonate of soda, these are all measured as per litre and to be used in any water containing your axolotl.
doing salt baths may be of benefit.
for salt baths use Salt bath Picture Tutorial as reference.
Thank you so much !! I will try this solution. Should I leave Dobby in the fridge for this? And how much of this solution should be added to her current primed water ?
Thank you so much !! I will try this solution. Should I leave Dobby in the fridge for this? And how much of this solution should be added to her current primed water ?
add the solution to whatever water he is in whether that is the fridge or tank it doesn't matter.
for every litre of water you use add 3g salt, 0.1g epsom salts, 0.1g calcium chloride, 0.1g bicarbonate of soda.
the salt must not contain iodine and the epsom salt must be pure.
add the solution to whatever water he is in whether that is the fridge or tank it doesn't matter.
for every litre of water you use add 3g salt, 0.1g epsom salts, 0.1g calcium chloride, 0.1g bicarbonate of soda.
the salt must not contain iodine and the epsom salt must be pure.
Ok I’m just making sure I have this certain - I use those measurements in a litre of water .. then just add a bit of that solution to the regular primed water she’s in ? Or I’m to fill her tub up with only the solution and just increase amounts needed for how big her tub is
Ok I’m just making sure I have this certain - I use those measurements in a litre of water .. then just add a bit of that solution to the regular primed water she’s in ? Or I’m to fill her tub up with only the solution and just increase amounts needed for how big her tub is
the measurement are for every litre used, so if you use five litres then it would be x 5 and so on.
dechlorinate the water add chemicals then add axolotl.
always make sure the water is dechlorinated before adding your axolotl as although the chemicals will deal with salt and mineral imbalance they wont dechlorinate the water.
the measurement are for every litre used, so if you use five litres then it would be x 5 and so on.
dechlorinate the water add chemicals then add axolotl.
always make sure the water is dechlorinated before adding your axolotl as although the chemicals will deal with salt and mineral imbalance they wont dechlorinate the water.
Thank you so much !! I’ve been having a bit of trouble finding the calcium chloride locally .. I did find this, and am told it is pure calcium chloride but there is no list of contents anywhere on the bottle
on the website it states that it is calcium chloride dihydrate so yes that is ok
on the website it states that it is calcium chloride dihydrate so yes that is ok
modified holtfreters solution is salt, CALCIUM CHLORIDE, magnesium sulphate, sodium bicarbonate.
calcium chloride in large doses being alkali is a irritant and poison.
salt in large doses is a poison
magnesium sulphate in large doses is a poison.
how can you say about something when you don't know what you are talking about.
did you just buy holtfreters pre-made and not check ingredients.
please do research before making stupid comments.
modified holtfreters solution is salt, CALCIUM CHLORIDE, magnesium sulphate, sodium bicarbonate.
calcium chloride in large doses being alkali is a irritant and poison.
salt in large doses is a poison
magnesium sulphate in large doses is a poison.
how can you say about something when you don't know what you are talking about.
did you just buy holtfreters pre-made and not check ingredients.
please do research before making stupid comments.
It's like the asinine comments I've had on Reddit these past few days after I made my mention of how 10g is minimum size tank for an axolotl though bigger is better and that if you e got a 40g tank for one, you could hypothetically go filterless.

He must be coming from Reddit, I suppose.
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1