Obstacles with new salamandra

Re: Obstacles with getting new salamandra

I just checked on him to move him. I beleive he is dead. He diddnt move or anything.
Re: Obstacles with getting new salamandra

Dylan. Take zip lock bags and fill them with ice cubes and pplace them under a thin layer of soil under their hide and through out thetank. I did this when we had a heat wave. You will just have to replace them every night and morning but if your fridge makes ice it shouldnt be a problem. The temps need to be lower. I kept them at 62F and then they were shipped in a even cooler environment then were out in a warmer one. That one probablly needed a slower temp change. Also stress deffiantly had its part in it. Also No light. I never gave them any light. The only light they recievd was from another newt tank. Also I kept them in a high humid environment also. Mist in the morning lightly and a little heavyer at night. You dont want to soke them just raise the humidity.
Re: Obstacles with getting new salamandra

I just checked on him to move him. I beleive he is dead. He diddnt move or anything.

Sorry I didnt see the part were you said he might be dead. But do What I said in my last post up above for the other. Put him in a cooler environment right away with more humidity If he is still holding on. I hope he isnt dead. Good luck figuring it out.
Re: Obstacles with getting new salamandra

Okay frodo is dead I believe. But I will not.and I mean NOT let this happen to the other.
Re: Obstacles with getting new salamandra

Don´t throw in the towel just yet, put it in the paper towel set-up with a cube of ice in the other point of the container. There´s a possibility of it regaining it´s strength even though it appears dead. It happened to me with a P.glutinosus...i was sure it was dead but gave it a try and after an hour in the cooler temps, it recovered and started to react. Several hours later it was fine.
Re: Obstacles with getting new salamandra

Your the experts. I think it's from stress because I urged it to feed when I just got it instead of letting it get acclimated.

I always give my new arivals at least 3 days before trying to feed. My EMperor Newts took 2 weeks before they would eat. Salamanders are not like frogs were they have to eat almost every other day. You can give them 3-4 days as young as they are and adults can go a week sometimes more like my emperor newts. That is something you will learn as you gain experince. I kow all of us have are share of run in but we have learned from them. I am extremely sorry for it not making it. If he doesnt make it. I would keep the other one by itself before you buy more to get everything in order and down packed like temp and everything. If you have a basement I would house them down stairs. I hope you figure out what the problem was but I believe you are correct Dylan, Stress got to it and the temps are on the edge of the scale almost in danger zone. Deffiently try my zip lock bag ice cube idea for the other one. And like sonic said, get the sick one out and put him somewhere cool and humid. If you leave him in there he might make your other one sick.
Re: Obstacles with getting new salamandra

Don´t throw in the towel just yet, put it in the paper towel set-up with a cube of ice in the other point of the container. There´s a possibility of it regaining it´s strength even though it appears dead. It happened to me with a P.glutinosus...i was sure it was dead but gave it a try and after an hour in the cooler temps, it recovered and started to react. Several hours later it was fine.

Just make sure the ice cube is wrapped up in something so if your sal does regain strength and touches the ice with its bare skin, it might rip its toes off. Its just like when someone sticks their tounge on a cold pipe in winter. Yea dont give up. Try everything, you have no more to loose than to gain.
Re: Obstacles with getting new salamandra

If you still have that cooler I shipped them in you could put him in a container with ice cubes in it all around his container and put the lid on. That would be a way to go to keep it dark and maintain cool temps.
Re: Obstacles with getting new salamandra

Good idea
Re: Obstacles with getting new salamandra

Hows frodo. Did you try cooling him off alot to see if he regains his strength.
Re: Obstacles with getting new salamandra

I tried sadly he is dead now. I feel so bad. My first salamandra and one is dead within the first week. I said my goodbies then honorably flushed him down the toilet.
Re: Obstacles with getting new salamandra

I´m sorry it died. However, flushing it down the toilet was in my opinion the irresponsible thing to do. It died quite fast and the reasons are unclear, so there´s a possibility the culprit was some patogen. Flushing it down the toilet risks introducing that patogen elsewhere.
Re: Obstacles with getting new salamandra

so the reason of death is unknown?
Re: Obstacles with getting new salamandra

It's mixed. Some think he got sick others say stress was the culprate.
Re: Obstacles with getting new salamandra

Does anyone know how to entice his sister into eating? She hasn't eaten for 4 days and she just runs away from the worm when I attemtp to feed.
Re: Obstacles with getting new salamandra

Since this has become more of a help thread, I've moved it to the Help area of the forum.

Sorry about your salamandra. It is quite common for the tail to continue twitching for quite a while when a salamander is dieing.

I have two suggestions for feeding the sal. One is to put pieces of earthworm (small enough to eat, but large enough to be moving) on a plastic cap, and put this under the sal's hide. Come back later (next morning perhaps) and see if any pieces are missing. If the worm is slimey, it may help to remove the slime with a paper towel before feeding. The second suggestion is to put one or two very tiny crickets in the tank and see if they disappear. Do not add more than one or two, as hungry crickets can bite salamanders. It also helps to put some carrot or other cricket food in there too.
Re: Obstacles with getting new salamandra

Does anyone know how to entice his sister into eating? She hasn't eaten for 4 days and she just runs away from the worm when I attemtp to feed.

Thats the fatter one right? Salamanders dont need to eat as much. If that is the fat one then give her time to digest and rest awhile. I think you might be trying to feed them too much. If that is the fat one I would give her some time to just rest and keep used to her tank. SOmetimes you need to let them decied if they want to eat. Alway putting food in their face and bothering them will add stress.
Okay. When she was out I put a worm next to her and left the room. When I came back it was gone. so im assuming she ate it. I went to the kc reptile show today. No fire sals. Its becoming harder and harder to find them these days.
No offence meant, but i really don´t think it´s a good idea to be looking for more salamanders when you clearly haven´t gotten the hang of caring for them. You should see how it goes with the one you have right now, and if in a few months time everything is fine, then look into getting more if that´s what you want. Otherwise you are just putting more animals at risk...
Rushing into getting more animals is a mistake many of us made...the smart and decent thing to do is to build up experience first.
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