Nutritional values

There are better sources for the nutritional breakdown such as the Nutrition Chapter in Reptile Medicine and Surgery. The ones from that site are pretty much incomplete and difficult to use to compare values.
I would prefer to see people use the tables out of Mader's book and the resources available on the NAG site (Nutritional Advisory Group for Zoos and Aquarias)

Wow, that site is for humans eating bugs - not for humans feeding bugs to pets!
I was given on of the books of bug recipes for Christmas one year and I was less than impressed....
Well Ed you just have to elaborate on that!
Care to share some recepies?
If you look at the links from that page it will take you to one where they are selling books with bug recipes. The one I was given is the Eat a Bug Cookbook. (for those on the metric system you'll have to convert the units yourselves)
For example the Chirpy Chex Party Mix
6 tablespoons of butter
2 tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce
4 tablespoons of Creol Seasoning
8 cups of assorted Chex cereals (or other dry unsweetened cereals)
2 cups Crispy Crickets (recipe below)
1 cup pretzels
1 cup dry-roasted peanuts

1) Preheat oven to 250 F
2) In an open roasting pan melt the butter. Stir in Worcestershire sauce and other seasonings
3) Add remaining ingredients and stir until each piece is evenly coated with the seasonings mixture
4) Bake 1 hour at 250 F, stirring every 15 minutes
5) pour the mixture into a brown paper grocery bag, dust with the creol seasoning and shake.

Crispy crickets
1) to make 1 cup of crispy crickets, preheat the oven to 225 F. Strip the antennas, limbs and wings (if any) from 20 to 30 clean frozen adult crickets or 40-60 cricket nymphs. The acutal number may vary, depending on the life stage of the cricket used, but best cooking results are obtained if all of the crickets are the same size.
2) Spread the stripped crickets on a lightly oiled baking sheet and place in the oven. Bake the crickets until crisp, around 20 minutes.

There are recipes for scorpion, tarantula and some other arthropods.

I should just sell it on e-bay and buy my newts some black worms.

Ed, with your stoic nature, loads of education, you are quite fun! Anything toasted sounds nummy to me! Thanks for your script.
Ok, Ed:
1.Have you tried this recepie?
2.Should the feeder crickets be gutloaded before cooking?

Ed - stoic? nooooo
I bet Ed's second name is Zenon the Phoenician, that he is immortal and once taught the athenians under the roof of Stoa Poikile

I recommend gutloading the crickets for this recipie the same way I gutload the dried fruit for my Christmas cakes - overnight in brandy
I have not tried the recipe. However I have tried several different ants (plain not chocolate covered), crickets, zoophobas and for a $50 bet a pinkie.

You ate a pinkie???? That's disgusting Ed, the fur must have got to you! Or are pinkies to young to have fur?
Zoophobas are disgusting just to look at....

You've spent to much time with reptiles and amphibians Ed!
I have eaten brown crickets, banded crickets, mealworms, and in my house you can't avoid swallowing several hundred Fruitfly a day but a Pinkie!
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