Hey everyone,
My name's Devon (girl Devon, not a guy Devon)...I'm 16, and run an animal rescue called "The McDonald Animal Rescue and Sanctuary" and a Gerbillry called "Crazy Critters Gerbil Clan".
A couple months ago, a newt was dropped off at my house in a filthy five gallon aquarium. I have never had a newt before, but I am experienced with frogs, so I decided to keep him instead of adopt him out. They told me that he is a fire belly newt, but he obviously isn't...he's 5.5 inches long.
He now lives in a 25 gallon tall, with land area...the water area is probably about 15 gallons, probably a little more. His land area is 1ft x 5 inches, with some very shallow water pools and silk plants to hide in. He lives with a large snail. He used to have a goldfish in there, but he managed to catch up to it, and eat it.
I bought a whisper in-tank filter for the tank today, and a three inch long red and white oranda goldfish. He can't get his mouth around her, he's already tried. haha. The fish didn't even seem to notice him mouthing her side for a couple seconds before giving up and swimming away to eat the easier-to-catch cricket.
Here are some pictures of my newt and tank...I am very bad at taking pictures with this camera, so it made the tank look a little less...attractive. haha.
http://pic6.picturetrail.com/VOL165/2178388/4246719/88372560.jpg (TANK)
http://pic6.picturetrail.com/VOL165/2178388/4246719/88372570.jpg (NEWT)
http://pic6.picturetrail.com/VOL165/2178388/4246719/88372527.jpg (NEWTS BELLY)
Right now, I am feeding him freeze dried shrimp, bloodworms, small live crickets (which he loves), and small beheaded mealworms.
Does anyone have any care corrections for me? Any comments about my goldfish addition? Anyone know what type of newt he is? (lets use common names for now, Im just a newt newb)
I know that he is a type of warty newt, but I am having trouble narrowing it down to a specific. Some say he looks most like a Chinese warty newt, but I looked at the pictures on this site : http://www.livingunderworld.org/caudata/database/salamandridae/paramesotriton/index.shtml
and he doesn't look like any of the Chinese Warty Newts. He looks exactly like this one, however:
But that doesn't really make sense. The site says that the Tam Dao Warty newt (the above newt) is very rare...I'm really confused now.
We just spent about 20 mins comparing the newt to pictures, and he still looks most like the Tam Dao.
My name's Devon (girl Devon, not a guy Devon)...I'm 16, and run an animal rescue called "The McDonald Animal Rescue and Sanctuary" and a Gerbillry called "Crazy Critters Gerbil Clan".
A couple months ago, a newt was dropped off at my house in a filthy five gallon aquarium. I have never had a newt before, but I am experienced with frogs, so I decided to keep him instead of adopt him out. They told me that he is a fire belly newt, but he obviously isn't...he's 5.5 inches long.
He now lives in a 25 gallon tall, with land area...the water area is probably about 15 gallons, probably a little more. His land area is 1ft x 5 inches, with some very shallow water pools and silk plants to hide in. He lives with a large snail. He used to have a goldfish in there, but he managed to catch up to it, and eat it.
I bought a whisper in-tank filter for the tank today, and a three inch long red and white oranda goldfish. He can't get his mouth around her, he's already tried. haha. The fish didn't even seem to notice him mouthing her side for a couple seconds before giving up and swimming away to eat the easier-to-catch cricket.
Here are some pictures of my newt and tank...I am very bad at taking pictures with this camera, so it made the tank look a little less...attractive. haha.
http://pic6.picturetrail.com/VOL165/2178388/4246719/88372560.jpg (TANK)
http://pic6.picturetrail.com/VOL165/2178388/4246719/88372570.jpg (NEWT)
http://pic6.picturetrail.com/VOL165/2178388/4246719/88372527.jpg (NEWTS BELLY)
Right now, I am feeding him freeze dried shrimp, bloodworms, small live crickets (which he loves), and small beheaded mealworms.
Does anyone have any care corrections for me? Any comments about my goldfish addition? Anyone know what type of newt he is? (lets use common names for now, Im just a newt newb)
I know that he is a type of warty newt, but I am having trouble narrowing it down to a specific. Some say he looks most like a Chinese warty newt, but I looked at the pictures on this site : http://www.livingunderworld.org/caudata/database/salamandridae/paramesotriton/index.shtml
and he doesn't look like any of the Chinese Warty Newts. He looks exactly like this one, however:
But that doesn't really make sense. The site says that the Tam Dao Warty newt (the above newt) is very rare...I'm really confused now.
We just spent about 20 mins comparing the newt to pictures, and he still looks most like the Tam Dao.