newbie! what to feed Cynops orientalis juvs!


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Nov 5, 2008
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hey am new to the salamander/newt forum but not new to reptiles as i keep a large collection!

my question is what to feed the babies i rescued from a clueless pet shop?

what is the best non live food that i can give them?

is very difficult to find live feeder insects here so what should i do?
Re: newbie! what to feed Cynops orientalis babyes!

C. Orientalis can be fed live earthworms but you may need to chop them into smaller pieces if the newts are too small to take full ones. An easier (and slightly less grotesque) job is to buy frozen cubes of bloodworms from a pet shop which sells fish or specialises in newts. These can be defrosted and fed once every two days. Also, you said you were new to newts? Have you read the caresheet for C. Orientalis?

Re: newbie! what to feed Cynops orientalis babies!

thnx the care sheet was very helpfull!

i wil try and find some worms but my newt are very small at the time...

i have some waxworms and i will try to chop them up and feed..

were should i put the food?

just throw it in the water?
Re: newbie! what to feed Cynops orientalis babies!

you could also try pellets but most wont take them otherwise blackhawk is right. i assume were talking about young fully formed newts rather than there larva
Re: newbie! what to feed Cynops orientalis babies!

yeah they are fully formed!!

just babies thorough!!

any pointers will be very helpfull of feeding tricks so that i can get them started...

found today on a rotting vegetable some withe larvae worms should i feed them?

just drop them in the water with them?
Re: newbie! what to feed Cynops orientalis babies!

Chopped waxworms are messy. Chopped earthworms are better.

I'm not sure about the larvae you found on your vegetables... if you can rinse them clean they might be a good food. It would help if you could post a photo or identify what kind of larvae they are. If they have strong mouth-parts, it might be a bad idea. And be sure they don't rot in the tank water (true for any kind of food).
Re: newbie! what to feed Cynops orientalis babies!

i offered them the small larvae but they did not eat at all

they were very small white worms with out a mouth ..

no problem at all

i think is because they are not ready to eat and stressed..

i will just leave them be fore 2-3 day and try again ...

what do you think?
Re: newbie! what to feed Cynops orientalis babies!

Good plan. What foods do you have available to try? Can you find earthworms? Frozen bloodworms? Here are some additional ideas:
Re: newbie! what to feed Cynops orientalis babies!

After defrosting the bloodworms, you could place it in the water in a pile. This will make it easier for the newts to find and eat from although the main advantage of putting it in a pile is that it is easier for you to clean up once they have finished eating. If you just recently got your newts, they may not eat for a few days as they will be stressed because of the new surroundings. Those white worms you said. They sound like nematode worms to me. I'm no expert but I wouldn't risk feeding them to the newts. Bloodworms are a good food source as they are readily available as I said and are small enough for babies to fit into their mouths.

Re: newbie! what to feed Cynops orientalis babies!

tomorrow i am going to the pet shop and ask for frozen blood worms..

is is something that fish eat they may have them.. i hope

they are in small cubes?

i have seen some frozen fish cubes in some pet stores..

is there any other frozen food items i can look for? just in case i cant find frozen bloodworms ?

like shrimps or something?

currently i only have super worms witch i feed my pixie frog

because i can understand the way this newts feed.. am asking this..

were should i put the food?

in the water? or in a plate on the land area ?
Re: newbie! what to feed Cynops orientalis babies!

i found frozen blood worms and i offered them today...

they did not seem to be interested in them

actually they are still stressed i thing so i will live them be

how long can they stay with out food and still be ok?
Re: newbie! what to feed Cynops orientalis babies!

come on guys somebody reply!!
Re: newbie! what to feed Cynops orientalis babies!

If the newt is in the water, put the food in the water.

They can go for days or weeks without food. However, newts from a pet shop are likely to already have been starved for weeks.
Re: newbie! what to feed Cynops orientalis babies!

Live bloodworms or pinhead crickets. Tropical white woodlice will be taken also.
thnx for the info guys!

will try and i will post when i have results!
hey i found live bait in a fishing shop near me..

bought a few worms but then i thought ..are they all safe for feeding?

is there any possibility to have poisonous or something not good for feeding my newt?

i don't have my camera to post pics..
is there an online database i can identify ?
live bait worms should be perfect. As long as they are small enough for the newts to eat, they should be stimulated by the wriggling of the worms and go straight for them. They may not eat stright away however as they may still be acclimatising to their new environment.

thnx so i will try and feed them !!
so today i feed them and 3 out of 7 ate..

the others just walked away from the feeding dish..

they are starting to show their ribs ..

hope the start eating soon.

2 of them are with missing body parts..

1 misses a leg and the other an arm..

my be a birth defect

or from poor care in the pet shop..

i have a pond outside and i am thinking of putting them there..

so the may survive..

i have 1 adult in my pond and seems to be getting along just well..
Missing limbs are sign of poor care in the hands of importers/wholesellers/pet shop. This is unfortunatly too common with newts from the pet trade :mad: (as opposed to newts captive bred by hobbyists which are generally healthy and well cared for).

Hopefully your guys will recover and start eating once used to their new environment. However, DO NOT release any of those guys in the garden. The newts in your pond are native species, while your pet newts are, almost certainly, wild caught from asia, god knows what parasite or pathogens they could pass on to the local amphibians!!!!!! I do not know about Greek laws, but it is illegal in most countries to release a non native animal in the wild! I cannot stress this strong enough, as the consequences could be really bad, and whidespreads...

Sorry if I sound cranky, but this is important. That said, with the right amount of care, your newts will have a much better chance to be OK with you than in your pound. Godd luck with them!
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