Hi Ralf. A quick update on the previous discussion on triturus you refered to. A few years ago I decided to make an effort to establish some breeding colonies of some different species and give people in the U.S. a choice of either buying wild caught animals or captive bred (up until now there really hasn't been much of a choice). I was able to get some female marmortus and esablished breeding of some other species as well using wild caught adults. As of this Fall I'll be selling some marmortus, montandoni, cristatus (I've sold some of these allready) and Tylototriton verucossus juvies. I guess this will be the acid test to see if people in the States want an alternative to wild caught animals. These animals are all captive born (next generation will be true captive bred). There are some other people here that are doing this as well.If all goes well, over the next few years, with the availabilty of CB animals, hopefully the demand for wild caughts will be significantly reduced. I'm still developing my breeding stock and will be adding some more types of animals as I go but it's a start. If some of the European keepers and breeders would like to assist in our efforts to get away from our dependency on wild caught animals, any tips on making our breeding programs more effective (let us pick your brains)will be greatly appreciated. With the experience the Europeans have and thanks to forums like this, we have a good start. I think this forum and ones like it will do far more to eventually protect many caudate species then any government's regulations or environmental groups. That's why I support this forum. Now to keep the recent imports of kweichows and shanjings from being a waste, any knowledge on breeding these species will be very helpful. If these animals aren't bred then I agree that these importations are a bad thing.
(Message edited by dln on July 11, 2004)
(Message edited by dln on July 11, 2004)