Jenny, if you feel like throwing your money away, feel free to send it to me. I've still got college classes to pay for.
If it took Ed K. 'a couple of batches' before he figured out how to keep them alive, do you honestly think you're going to keep them? Do you even known temperature requirements? feeding? are you letting them hang off your finger?? You say you know 'enough to keep them going for a couple of days', this is SHITTY <font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font> EXCUSE! I dont give a damn what anyone says, but you're a bad keeper. A species like this, which is so sensitive, and you say "well i can keep them going for a few days." They're not going to last more than a few days. Don't you get that?
Also: i'm concerned with you keeping 7 axies in a 4.5 foot tank. That's kind of small.
You dont even know WHY bolitoglossids have a nil life expectancy. They're ripped out of their wild habitat, shipped all across the world in really cruddy conditions, undergo massive amounts of stress and die from it.
Now, you said you didnt buy these animals because they're rare, and you would have bought a fire or tiger sal because they're cuter. then why DID you buy these animals?