Thank you, it does look like they cannot acces the soil easily enough, but they can, I hoped they won't dig in the green moss that cover most of my tank, but they do, I planned to let them dig in the spaghnum corner. They can dig trough the spaghnum and than there is only the special substrate I always used in my old tank, if they find that out, they can dig trough the entire tank, but as you can see, they have already found an other entrance to dig their tunnels
They will be fine, as it is I think, but the tank is not yet finished, I do need a bigger water bowl, and some plants, and a piece of wood to hide under(for the lazy yellow Tiger)
I you have any other suggestions, please let me know, thats why I always use this special forum
I dont know how the soil is called in english, it is like a brick when you buy it, but after you put 4 litres of water in a bucket with the brick, you get 9 litres of soil.
(Message edited by chrisvo on November 30, 2005)