Neon tetra with my two axolotls


New member
Jan 23, 2022
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United States
Hello all! I have a 75 gallon tank with two nearly full grown axolotls. A few months back, I had to transfer some neon tetras to the axolotl tank as I had to get rid of the tank they already lived in. Some of the tetras got eaten, but for the past 4 months at least, one rather large neon tetra has not only survived in the cold water and avoided the giant predators, but thrived. The fish never shows any signs of discomfort or stress. I’ve also never once seen it attempt to nip at the axolotls’ gills, which is the primary concern of most people discussing axolotl-fish cohabitation.

I’m wondering if you guys believe I’ve just gotten extraordinarily lucky with this particular fish because I kind of want to add several more to my tank. After all, neon tetras are schooling fish. What do you guys think? Is this a horrible idea??
IMO, it just seems more like luck. If it's less than ideal for both animals, you're better off not cohabitating and it does seem less than ideal for the tetra even if there are no signs of stress.
Beside predation concerns, several points are concerning :
- Tetra neons usually thrive at temps between 20 and 24°C while axolotls do better under 20°C,
- Tetra neons are soft water fishes (black water) while axolotls are better in rather hard water,
- Fishes can carry several parasites and bacterial diseases which can be transmitted to axolotls.

For these reasons, while 1 fish has been particularly lucky, I think it's not a good idea on the long run.
Beside predation concerns, several points are concerning :
- Tetra neons usually thrive at temps between 20 and 24°C while axolotls do better under 20°C,
- Tetra neons are soft water fishes (black water) while axolotls are better in rather hard water,
- Fishes can carry several parasites and bacterial diseases which can be transmitted to axolotls.

For these reasons, while 1 fish has been particularly lucky, I think it's not a good idea on the long run.
I don't know much about tetras but don't tetras also like more water flow too whereas axolotls get stressed out by that?
the water conditions for neons and axolotls are totally different from each other, the main one being temperature.
most shop brought neons will tolerate a variety of different water parameters though ranging from soft to hard, dark to clear, but they are unable to tolerate for long periods at temperatures below 20°c,
their tolerable levels are 20°c - 26°c, ph 6 - 8.
they are classed as passive fish, they are happier with subdued lighting and require slight acidic water (ph around 5) with warm temperature (ie.. 25°c) to breed.
neons tend to become expensive snacks for axolotls unless you have a separate breeding tank.
Yes, you're right
I think I remember seeing that AquariumInfo girl on YT setting up a whirlpool tank for a school of tetras once which made me think about that. Definitely not a good idea to house tetras and axies together.
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