Need help with axolotl! :C

Do you think its a good option given the circumstances? even if he is just sick would it help him out?

I read over the fridging guide in case of this and i would make sure to sternly follow it.

Just to clarify using a product like "prime" with tap water is sufficient right?

OH i also just saw him swim! he didn't go for long tho and just gulped for air. Also to update on the water, before i changed it the amonia had gone down slightly
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Prime is sufficient as a dechlorinator :)

That is good the ammonia has decreased. Good water quality will aid in recovery. For the purpose of helping pass gravel, it may be worth fridging. I'd maybe try a few days in the fridge to see if he passes anything. If not, it may be best to remove him from the fridge and maybe keep him in the tub somewhere cool and with 100% water changes daily.
Hey mate got an update
My ammonia levels look like there almost 0 he is acting like himself allot more he is swimming and walking properly now and jumping in the plants and what not..
Only he still isn't eating and now he is moving about and what not he keeps doing handstands when he is chilling.. and when he swims down his nose comes down quite allot more then the rear of him so from what i've read that means they are trying to pass something right?
Also his tail is still bent but not as much as it was.

In saying that he has gotten better in his own water should i keep him there now? or should i remove him just keep him cool in a tub and note if he passes something or should i fridge him?

I had to monitor the water temp in my fridge last night thats why i didn't fridge him already haha
What are your readings now for nitrite and nitrate?

The symptoms sound like he is trying to pass something. Have you removed the gravel? What foods are you offering? Have you tried some other food options? I'd keep him in a tub for now so you can monitor him closely and consider fridging him to see if that helps him pass anything
Nitrite 0
nitrate 15

I have not i was going to do it while i had him in the fridge or tub

I have axolotl food from fish fuel CO
has all sorts of stuff in it

and i ve been offering him blood worms alternatively
might try an earth worm too

I just worried about fridging him scary process haha but ill give it ago tonight see how he is going tomorrow
just cause he not eating at the moment and fridging will not help but if he passes anything then i guess he more then likely would get his appetite back haha (hopefully)
will the temp drop be okay for him ??
Use the fridging guide as AxolotlWrangler has provided as this is a safe way of doing this. definitely remove the gravel as soon as possible. i think it is worth fridging to see if it helps pass whatever may be causing him to be constipated or impacted. He may not eat in the fridge but if he does need to pass gravel out of his system or recover from constipation he may not eat until it has passed the blockage. Keep us posted :)
Thanks guys will do
One more thing should i still keep changing the water in the tank?? and how do i know when to stop?
That is good he has tried some bloodworm. If you can, try to get him interested in earthworms or even the fish fuel co frozen cubes as these will be more nutritious options. However if he will only eat bloodworm for now, at least it is something and better than nothing at all.

Here is a link on fishless cycling. Your tank looks like it is close. Once ammonia and nitrite are zero and there is a reading of nitrate it is fully cycled so you are very close and water changes are not necessary whilst your axolotl is not in the tank. Make sure you have read the link on cycling provided before. Once fully cycled, you will need to do regular water changes to keep nitrate below 40ppm.

The (almost) Complete Guide and FAQ to Fishless Cycling - Aquarium Advice - Aquarium Forum Community

You can add the old water from the tub your axolotl is in each day when you change the water in his tub to help provide a source of ammonia and keep the cycle going whilst your axolotl is in the tub.
He's looking better tail straightening out and he walking around alright and stuff but he still not eating and it seems like his back end isn't coming up anymore should I start the switch back to his water ? cause it will take 4 days in itself
My water chem is now
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 10 - 15
OO big news! He passed out 4 pebbles and some poop. poor thing :(
He did not eat but i'm assuming maybe its cause of the cold water?

So should i start the process of changing his water? if so i also want to ask you .. i was pretty busy this weekend and didn't get around to changing his pebbles.. so when i put the new substrate in will this screw with the water chem??? Planning on doing it tomorrow arvo.

ALSO do you have any good ideas on how to add sand while there is already water in it without it going crazy? haha
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Well there's your problem! Can you take a pic of how big they were?

I take it he passed them while in the fridge??

New substrate shouldn't affect your water as long as you wash the substrate thoroughly before hand, although it could affect your biofilter when removing your current substrate since the bacteria colonizes all surfaces within the tank. Perhaps rinse your current substrate in a bucket of your current tank water, then add the water back into the tank.

If your are adding sand as your new substrate, you will want to rinse it A LOT so it doesn't cloud your water. Which sand are you going to be using?

I put all my sand in an old pillow case then ran water into the pillow case using a hose, this rinses any dirt and dust out of the sand. It took me over 45 minuets of hosing and mixing the sand in the pillow case until the water ran clear when exiting the pillow case.
Fantastic! Your tank appears to be cycled :). Rinse your new sand thoroughly before adding it to your tank. What I did was turn the filter off just while you are adding the sand and gently scooped the sand into the tank (only very gently). I then gave it a few minutes to settle and then switched the filter back on and it was fine. It may cloud your water up a little but should clear in time. Washing the sand very well before hand will minimise the cloudiness.

It may be due to the cold temperature that he is not yet eating. It is hard to tell if he has passed all the gravel yet or not but you could remove him from the fridge (remember to acclimatise him slowly) and see if the warmer temperature entices him to eat. it may be worth keeping him in the fridge maybe one more day to see if he passes anything further. If not, maybe remove him from the fridge and see how he goes.
Yeah I will take a photo when I'm home

yeah he was in the fridge haha
and the pillow case sounds like a great idea ! I will be using the play sand from bunnings .. I plan to sift it all then wash it :)
oh okay yeah ill do that (wash current sub and put water in)

also when I take him out if I keep him in a cool place will the water temp change be slow enough not to freak him out ?
Sand is in the tank now and he hasn't passed anymore so i'm thinking take him out of the fridge tonight keeping him in the container and putting him somewhere cool with a fan on the container during the day probably.. and do as the guide says to do the four day water change to get him use to the tanks water chem.
Sound good to you guys?
Water chem is all good after changing it to sand everything seems to be going as planned :)
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Sounds like a good plan. Whilst you are adjusting him to the warmer temperature, keep monitoring your tank parameters and follow the fridging guide. Hopefully he will regain an appetite
Just to double check with you.. cause in the fridge guide it says what to do as if for the time you are getting them use to the water chem they are in the fridge for 4 days.
It is okay to do that outside of the fridge right ?
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