Heya! So yesterday I added the 17 grams of bicarb to my tank, I've just done some water tests, tested the pH and high range pH, ammonia and Nitrites even though at this point there's no real need for me to test nitrites cause I know if won't show me anything.
I do believe the ammonia has gone down a little and I wouldn't have expected a massive drop over night but at least I know it's working to take that ammonia down slowly. I have a lump of limestone on the tank so that should keep the pH stable, I'm just worried about the high range pH being so high now.
What would I use to lower the pH if anything at all? And I wouldn't use it yet unless the pH went really high, it will probably go down by itself right?
Here's the pics - sorry my pen is crap
By the way thank you for all your help, honestly this means so much to me and Mooncake