I just have to say since i have some n.v. Louisianensis to, i raised some larva last year. I took them out from mom and dad feed them mostly micro worms for fist month did daily water changes. Then i got some bbs, feed bbs and micro worms and it took over two months to see legs, i think it was closer to 4 months before i saw legs but i have a bad memory so dont quote me.
Mom and dad had some baby's again, I took a few out put them in my cycled cherry shrimp tank, and I've seen some legs:happy: its only been a little over a month. Im going to see if they make it in there with no dock,i just have a few floating hornwort/coons tail and some java moss close to the top.
I put 4 in there its a 2.5 gallon with about 7 adult shrimp and over a dozen baby shrimp. I only have feed the shrimp fish flakes,So i dont know what the larva eat. Some say they leave c oriental's with mom and dad. When do they start eating with mom and dad? I gues i would like to know when i should start putting some white worms in there for them?
I never see them on the bottom of the aquarium. Its almost impossible to find them, I only can find them about once a week i look every day if not twice a day. When i see them there in the java moss. It was funny i saw two of them together today almost like they where hanging out with each other.
I have no time or place for them now,so i hope they can live with the cherry shrimp for a year or two then I'll find them homes or keep them. If i keep them would it be a bad idea to put them with mom and dad. I wouldn't mix them in till they where the same size. But would it be bad if they breed with each other. The way my house is set up i only have room for a ten and 20 gallon in the living room. I plan on putting the two c orientals in the ten gallon when fully aquatic and my 2 adult pluse baby n.v.l in 20 gallon tank, if babys make it.
I would appreciate some advice when should i start feeding the baby n.v.l's?
Should i mix mom and dad with kids or find them new homes?