My Taricha's

Hey Chris, looks good. I would recommend deeper water for more swimming root for tarichas.
oops. room, not root.
I'm with Ali on this. A lot more water, and remove the fish. You may also want to look into buying a floating turtle log from ZooMed. I just got one, and it makes the most fabulous Taricha land area ever.
Yup, you have a fabulous sized tank for taricha's. I'd fill that baby at LEAST half way full.

I didn't even notice the fish at first glance. They appear to be white clouds, but, after my recent test with them, they simply prove to be a nusiance to me (the newts don't care, but I hate them!)
well i put the white clouds in there to give it more of a "home" kinda feel to them. i'd like to make it deeper but then they wouldn't be able to get on land that easy and they seem to like being on land as much as in water.
Chris, try a floating piece of land, or an 'island on stilts' made of a bowl filled with substrate. This will allow you to raise the water level. I think once you get the water levels high, you'll notice that they hardly use the land.

Taricha normally live in fish-free waters, so adding fish does not make it more of a 'home' for them.
well i pushed back the land and moved the water level up some more. well i like the fish in there and they are not harming the newts so imma just let them keep doing their thing.
this is a very nice set up. i would recommend a rock the size of your fist to put in to the substrate on the top and raise the water level. i have done so with my tank and it has yielded satisfactory results.

the rock serves as a basking area
Joan and I seem to agree on just about everything it seems. And if we don't, we soon do after I realize that I didn't know what I was talking about.

T grans. love to swim so I enjoy filling my tank 3/4 of the way full while giving them floating land as Joan exists. This way there is no sloping gravel to catch extra food, and their swimming area is huge. Mine swim all day like fish!
my t grans are also real swimmers. the more water i added to the tank..the better they liked it. but a bit of land area is ok...i put a couple bricks on their side..long side up...disguided them with rock and plants and they love it.

i'd also lose the fish. back in the day i also had some really bad things happen due to fish.

nice big tank!

well food is not a problem cause i feed them earthworms with tweezers.

i don't know if you can tell rich but there is a greyish looking rock there just for that reason.

well im not sure what imma do at this point. see if i can add some more mass in the corner to give them more water and retain land area.
okay here is the NEW arrangement and i moved a few plants around and raised the water up some more. i hope they like this better. oh yeah i moved the fish to a different tank, too.




(Message edited by chris_dishmon on April 28, 2006)
Looks much better, Chris. I think they'll be a lot happier this way!
well i dropped the water back down because the other two didn't like it. pocket seems to be 75% aquatic while the other two are only 10% aquatic. there is nothing wrong with them and they eat well so imma leave them that way cause they seem happier. i noticed some people's CFB are like that too. most people know them to be mostly aquatic but it seems to vary from newt to newt.
Chris, no one ever claimed that cynops orientalis and taricha granulosa have the same habitat needs. I would say tarichas are way more aquatic that c.o.'s.

(Message edited by cortana on May 09, 2006)
well not really the same just that one species liked it a certain way(i.e. terrestrial, aquatic) when in fact it's not 100% with said species.
Thanks for this whole topic I was gonna mix a T. gran with a couple zebra danios and some ghost shrimp. It's time to clean out the cookie jar cuz I need a new tank, especially since it's only a 10g to begin with. I've got a really nice setup with water 8 inches/approx. 20cm deep and a great land area but no newt yet.

(Message edited by tyler_mcdowell on May 11, 2006)
Tyler, I wouldn't recommend the danios, but the ghost shrimp will be fine (as long as you don't mind if they eventually disappear as snacks
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